Focolare Movement

Christmas: A Time for Giving

Dec 11, 2011

The children of the Focolare Movement remind us of their initiative “They have dislodged Jesus”, whereby Baby Jesus is given his rightful place at Christmas.

It all began at Christmas 1985 when Chiara Lubich was passing through the downtown area of a big city. She was baffled and shocked by the illuminated windows, “filled with dwarfs, fairies, and Father Christmases.” But where was Jesus? The one we are meant to celebrate at Christmas was totally absent, eclipsed by the thousands of colorful lights, sleds and expensive Christmas gifts that filled decorated store windows. This is where the writing They have dislodged Jesus!” came from: “My heart was overcome with disbelief, then rebellion: This rich world has appropriated Christmas and all that goes with it, and it has dislodged Jesus!” The Gen4 boys and girls – children of the Focolare Movement – were among the first to respond to Chiara’s appeal to bring Jesus into the world. Each year in hundreds of cities across the world, Gen4 involve friends in making small statues of the Baby Jesus, which they give away everywhere. In squares, schools, and markets – they try to find a home for Him and to warm the hearts of many on the day when He came among us. There would be many stories to tell. . . In Cordoba, Argentina, the father of one Gen4, who belongs to the Charismatic Renewal, was so touched by Chiara’s writing, “They’ve dislodged Jesus” that he said: “This was a great inspiration that this woman had, and we should not let this opportunity to give Jesus escape us. This is what today’s society needs.” He immediately set out to work in his parish, getting the NavidadSolidaria group and other people involved in the project. And so, several people from the Charismatic Renewal made 150 statues of the Baby Jesus. The Scouts made 300; the Catholic school made 300; and the Gen 4 boys and girls made 450. The total came to 1200 Baby Jesus to be given away. In Scafati, near Naples, Italy, the Gen4 wrote a letter to the Mayor, requesting permission to hand them out in front of City Hall. The Mayor met with the Gen4, listened to them and happily gave his permission, offering a donation for the first little statue himself. Many people are deeply touched by the love of the children. The Gen4 in one Tuscan region go street-by-street, door-to-door, offering Baby Jesus to families. One rather serious-looking man opened his door and when he heard the children telling him that they were Gen4 and that they were there to offer the Baby Jesus to him, he responded dryly: “Not interested, I’m an atheist!” Little Lorenzo asked him, “What does atheist mean?” And the man asked back: “And what does Gen4 mean?” “The Gen4 are people who do acts of love,” Lorenzo explained. The man was moved: “I don’t believe the same things that you do, but I also want to do an act of love!” And he quickly accepted a statue of Baby Jesus. Many people who receive a little statue of the Holy Child offer a donation to help support the Gen4 project. This year all the funds that are collected will be sent to Africa. As the poster prepared by the Gen4 states: “We Gen4 want to bring happiness into the world.” and “Jesus, living in the poor, You won’t have to suffer any longer, not as long as we are here!” Enjoy the video and have a Happy Christmas!


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