Focolare Movement

Cyprus and Greece, workshops of welcome and fraternity

Jan 4, 2022

Almost one month later, the Focolare communities of Greece and Cyprus reflect on Pope Francis' visit

Almost one month later, the Focolare communities of Greece and Cyprus reflect on Pope Francis’ visit One month after Francis’ trip to Greece and Cyprus, this quadrant of the globe remains in the international spotlight. We recently heard the story of hope of Grace Enjei, a 24-year-old Cameroonian who, thanks to the visit of the Pope and the help of the Community of Sant’Egidio, with 10 other asylum seekers was able to travel from the “no man’s land” of Cyprus to Rome; but we also heard of the umpteenth shipwreck in the Aegean Sea, on Christmas Day, in which 13 migrants lost their lives. Greece and Cyprus. Two countries with a relatively small population (Catholics are a religious minority) but which mirror the main crises of the world: migration, economic and health. A particular worry is the political influence of their Turkish neighbours. We asked the Focolare communities in these countries about the impact of this apostolic journey and the steps necessary for peace and a better coexistence for all. Lina Mikellidou, Orthodox and coordinator of the Focolare community in Cyprus has no doubts: “When Pope Francis affirmed that it is necessary to make this island ‘a workshop of fraternity’ he hit the nail on the head. Cyprus has been occupied by the Turks since 1974 and its capital, Nicosia, is the last remaining European city to be divided with barbed wire. Attempts to heal these fractures have not led to concrete results despite the commitment of the international community and both sides in recent years. I think it is necessary to develop or strengthen platforms, spaces of dialogue between the different realities in Cyprus, between Christians of different denominations (such as Armenian, Latin, Maronite and Orthodox) and also with Muslims. Then it is necessary to increase the spirit of ‘unity in diversity’ between the two sister Churches, Catholic and Orthodox. Finally, there is the issue of migrants. Our country cannot sustain so many, both from a logistical and an economic point of view. My people are known for their generosity and their welcoming spirit: much has already been done for the refugees, but we can surely improve, trying to raise awareness, find funds and structures to ensure that these sisters and brothers of ours live in more humane and dignified conditions. The Pope encouraged us to have a new approach, a lively attention to burning issues such as that of migrants and ecumenical dialogue. The search for unity between Pope Francis and the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, His All Holiness Bartholomew, gives us great hope: they have a fraternal relationship, made up of concrete gestures and profound dialogue”. Alexandros Oshana, a young man of the local Focolare community from Athens maintains that the road to ecumenical dialogue is still long: “… the Pope’s visit offered the possibility of a new beginning. In his talks he often used the words ‘unity’, ‘fraternity’, ‘dialogue’. The Pope prayed for an inclusive church, open to all those who suffer. Francis expressed all of us Greek Catholics 100%, appreciating our desire to be close to our Orthodox brothers and sisters and to remember that first of all, we are all Christians”. In this regard, Pope Francis’ own example was visible to everyone. To emphasize that unity is possible only through an act of total humility, once again he asked the Orthodox Archbishop Ieronimos for forgiveness for the errors committed in the past by Catholics towards the Orthodox. The Archbishop said that he was certain that it will be possible to “shake off the burdens of the past, in particular those connected with the events of the Greek war of independence”. As a sign of brotherhood he also said that he wanted to join Francis “in the enormous challenge” regarding the fate of migrants and that he wanted to undertake “a common action for the environment”.

Lorenzo Russo with the collaboration of the Focolare community of Greece and Cyprus


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