Download site: Smartphone, iPhone, iPod, and iPad users will not be surprised by this announcement; in fact, they’ve been waiting for it. For the uninitiated, however, it can be useful to know that the frontier of new technologies, and in particular the so-called applications for mobile phones, now allow you to receive the news published on www.focolare. org on your smartphone! Glossary Smartphone (literally “smart” or “intelligent” phone) is a portable device that combines the functionality of the phone and the management of personal data. App – If you have a latest generation cell phone or iPad – as Giulio Meazzini, Citta Nuova journalist, explains in his book “Dal mare libero alle oasi protette” (From the Open Sea to Protected Oases) – the services that interest you can be accessed by using the “applications”, the so-called apps on the display that appear as many coloured icons, each one different from the other.
The difference is by no means trivial: every app is built by a specific provider and offers a range of quick services, which are private and exclusive, targeted to the user. How the App of functions The app has been developed by TeamDev for and it can be downloaded for free at: It is currently only available in Italian. In weeks to come it will also be available in English and Spanish. The screen allows you to enter the home page or one of the theme channels. This is version 1.0 with successive modifications forthcoming. Happy navigating to everyone! We look forward to your feedback!
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