Focolare Movement

Earth Day goes Digital

Apr 18, 2020

In Italy the “Villaggio per la Terra” (Village for the Earth) event is transformed into a multimedia marathon.

In Italy the “Villaggio per la Terra” (Village for the Earth) event is transformed into a multimedia marathon. Everything is connected. The 50th Anniversary of Earth Day, celebrated on 22 April, cannot be viewed in isolation from the coronavirus pandemic challenging humanity. At the time of this year’s Earth Day, the current health emergency is giving rise to a global community demanding different economic and social models which are fairer than before. This Earth Day coincides with the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si on the theme of integral ecology. Events in 193 countries will be hosted online. In Italy, the Villaggio per la Terra, traditionally held at Villa Borghese in Rome, is being transformed into a multimedia marathon live on Rai Play and reports on other broadcast platforms. We spoke with President of Earth Day Italy, Pierluigi Sassi. The 50th anniversary of Earth Day is taking place as humanity faces the coronavirus challenge which is forcing us to review our priorities, values and objectives … Today, more than ever, we feel the urgent need to change the economic and social model which has governed development for decades. We want to give a message of hope, to offer a perspective which focuses on the person and the need to respect the planet. We’ve raised awareness about these subjects in the world, reinforced by Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si expounding the principle of integral ecology. There is a new sensitivity to this topic in the world, but it has to transfer into action. The coronavirus makes the need for this change even stronger.

VILLAGGIO PER LA TERRA, Earth Day Italia, Villa Borghese, Roma 21 April 2018
© Lorenzo Gobbi/Smile Vision Srls

As we observe the progress of the pandemic, what’s emerging is the interdependence of problems and of solutions. This is also a key element in the battle to safeguard the earth … The big concept the Pope has communicated to the world is that the issue of the environment does not exist separately from social or economic issues, rather there is the ‘human’ question within which all these factors are interdependent. This consciousness becomes operative when we realise how little it takes for a health crisis like this one to highlight problems which seemed up to now to be separate. What is emerging is the importance of human relationships and of our commitment towards economic and social solidarity.  The Earth Day has a global dimension. How is the event in Italy linking with those in other countries? The coronavirus has forced us all to “digitalize” our celebrations in a global network. And we’ve seen how many connections have been formed by creating a digital marathon. It’s the beauty of a new step ahead which has happened almost miraculously, in this emergency in the spirit of unity. So today, in the 193 countries celebrating Earth Day, we feel more linked together and encouraged to unite our efforts towards increasing respect for humanity and for the planet. So what’s happening in Earth Day Italy? We’ve organized a multimedia marathon called “OnePeople, OnePlanet” to remind us that we belong to the one human family and we live on the one planet. We’re working with many media partners, including Rai who will be broadcasting the whole event from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening on Rai Play. There will be additional content from Rai and other broadcasters through international links covering themes such as indigenous populations, deforestation and the beauty of our planet.

Claudia Di Lorenzi


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