The course will be held from Thursday 14 June to Saturday 16 June 2018 in the Main Hall of the Sophia University Institute, with the opening speech of Prof. Romano Prodi, entitled “Europe today. Which Europe tomorrow?” Co-funded by the Sophia Foundation in partnership with the programme “Jean Monnet Chair” of the European Union, the course aims to analyse the role of the cities as workshops of European integration, and the citizens as protagonists. The lessons will reflect on integration, independence, European citizenship and will introduce the European governance system, with particular focus on the local and regional dimensions. The workshops will be particularly interesting, since the participants will be able to discuss and share competences and experiences in such matters. The key rapporteurs will be Léonce Bekemans of the Padua University, holder of the Chair Jean Monnet ad Personam, and Luc Van den Brande, former President of the Flemish Region and today confidential councillor of the European Commission Presidency, who will expound on “Reaching Out to Citizens,” report presented to President Junker in November 2017, a document which represents the most recent and authoritative analysis on European citizenship. The module will start off othe programme, “Europe in a Changing World,” initiated by the Sophia Global Studies’ Research and Training Centre. “Numerous facts confirm our itinerary, – affirmed Paolo Frizzi, academic coordinator – also the recent visit of Pope Francis to Loppiano, where Sophia is based, underlined the urgency to “trace new paths to be pursued together to give rise to a global civilization of alliance.” Our young Institute was incepted to form leaders who have the capabilities and competencies to face the global challenges and promote dialogue and peace.” The course is open to professionals, scholars, communication administrators and operators, besides teachers of the primary and secondary schools and scholastic directors who may make use of the Teacher’s Card (MIUR 170/2016). There will be 15 scholarships for young people up to 30 years of age. See the complete programme on
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