Focolare Movement

February 2011

Feb 1, 2011

"Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.” (Rm 8:14)

“Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God”. These words speak to our Christian life, into which the Spirit of Jesus introduces a dynamic tension that Paul summarizes as the contrast between flesh and spirit. By the word flesh, he means the whole person (body and soul), with all our inherent fragility and selfishness. These are constantly opposed to the law of love, and indeed, to Love itself, which was poured into our hearts (cf. Rm. 5:5). In fact, those who are led by the Spirit must face the “good fight of the faith” (1 Tim 6:12) in order to curb all the inclinations to evil and to live in accordance with the faith professed in baptism. But how? We know that for the Holy Spirit to act we need to do our part. In writing these words, St. Paul had in mind, above all, a certain duty that we have as Christians, that of denying ourselves and winning the battle against selfishness in its many and varied forms. It is this dying to ourselves that produces life, so that every self-denial, every renunciation, every “no” to our selfishness is the source of new light, peace, joy, love and inner freedom. It is an open door to the Spirit. Giving more freedom to the Holy Spirit, present in our hearts, will enable him to bestow upon us a greater abundance of his gifts and lead us along the journey of life. “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God”. How can we live these words? Above all we have to become increasingly aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us. There is an immense treasure in the depths of our being, but we are not as conscious of it as we could be. We possess an extraordinary wealth, but for the most part, it lies unused. In order to hear and follow his voice within us more readily, we have to say no to everything that is against the will of God and yes to everything that is his will: no to temptation, with a clear-cut refusal of its suggestions; yes to the tasks that God has entrusted to us; yes to loving every neighbor we meet; yes to the trials and difficulties we encounter … If we do this, the Holy Spirit will guide us, giving our Christian life that vigor, that savor, that zest and that brightness that naturally follow when it is authentic. People around us will realize we are not only children of our own natural family, but sons and daughters of God. Chiara Lubich


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