Focolare Movement

Francis in Africa, to serve all

Nov 23, 2015

From 25 to 30 November, three nations - Kenya, Uganda, and the Republic of Central Africa will receive Pope Francis on behalf of the entire African continent during his apostolic journey to Africa where he will not only delve into the social wounds, but also the challenges and potentials of the African continent.

20151123-02«The key perspective of this trip will be revealed in the programme and activities the Pope will undertake,» says Liliane Mugombozi, director of New City, the magazine of the Focolare Movement in Kenya. Through her we will trace the steps of a journey which is revealing to be very important. «Pope Francis chose three countries where there are big Catholic communities afflicted by various tensions which he wishes to share as the pastor of the people, and together write a new page in the history of Africa today within a global framework and walk in search of solutions to the biggest problems and concerns of the population.» And what are the expectations? «We want his message to resound in all sectors of life, from governance to the management of goods, and from politics to education, healthcare, dialogue and interreligious relationships …». And to those who object because Pope Francis knows very little of Africa, the Archbishop of Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cardinal Monsengwo replied: «This is true. But the really fantastic thing is that he goes where people suffer. If it wasn’t for the Ebola outbreak, he would have come to Africa a long time ago.» Since last 19 October when the Vatican confirmed the date of the journey, innumerable analyses accompanied this announcement: «In Kenya – Lili Mugombozi wrote – the battle against Al-shabab, responsible for the violent attacks over the last few years, is one of the biggest political challenges. Mons. Rotich, president of the secretariat in charge of the visit affirmed: «During our ad limina visit in Rome, he questioned us about the massacre in Garissa and he said that he would come to comfort the Kenyan people.» In Uganda, Pope Francis will visit the Anglican and Catholic sanctuaries to honour the memory of the young martyrs: 23 Anglicans and 22 Catholics who were killed because of their faith. «For many Uganda people – Liliane explained further – Francis’s gesture is a joyful revival of the past – when in 1969 – Paul VI, the first Pope to ever set foot on African soil, canonized the first African Saints – but it is also a new commitment to dialogue with the churches.» The Focolare in Uganda wrote: «On this anniversary we feel particularly called to live the sanctity of the people.» 20151123-01In the Central African Republic, in a tense political context which suscitates anxiety, «in order to manifest to this nation how much the Church feels and shares its afflictions, and urge all central Africans to always be testimonials of mercy and reconciliation,» on 29 November, Francis will open the holy door of the cathedral of Bangui, symbolically anticipating the start of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, and will give a very strong sign of this with his speech in the central Mosque. «In each of these countries – the New City director continued – the Pope will meet the heads of State, speak to the diplomatic corps, celebrate a public Mass where thousands of faithful will be expected, and hold various meetings with religious leaders and thousands of young people. And the poor, those who suffer will not be excluded from the meetings with him: he will meet the inhabitants of the slums of Kangemi at the outskirts of Nairobi, and the disabled in a nursing home in Nalukolongo in the Kampala district in Uganda, and in one of the refugee camps in the Central African Republic.» Also the members of the Focolare Movement will accompany the Pope’s journey to Africa with their prayers and concrete preparations. In Kenya they will be in various places: among the 10,000 volunteers of the security guards and in the delegations of universities, schools and parishes. A young woman, Mary Mutungi, will direct the choir of 600 university students during the Mass with the youth. Among the songs in the programme is also, “We can find a way to live in Peace,” written by a Filipino band on the occasion of the Genfest. In Uganda, the members of the Focolare are involved in the various preparations in the parishes. Some are in charge of the coordination activities for the Diocese. Another citizen of the Republic of Central Africa, Geneviève Sanzè, of the International Centre and a member of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, will participate in the last stage of the papal visit. Fidelia from Bangui, affirmed: «Our people so deeply hope that the Pope’s visit will help us to accomplish a deep conversion, and be predisposed towards reconciliation for an enduring peace.» Video message of the Holy Father at the Vigil of the journey to Kenya and Uganda


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