Focolare Movement

From Atheism to Belief. Experience shared by a Pastor of the Reformed Church.

Jun 16, 2016

A meeting is held between leaders of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and Pope Francis, giving a common witness of God’s merciful love as the antidote to widespread spiritual desertification. The experience of Rev Martin Hoegger.

MartinHoegger-b“Christians in Festival” was the title chosen for a large ecumenical gathering in Nizza, France where Swiss Reformed Pastor, Martin Hoegger, was invited to give his testimony on “Christ, light of my life” and on how it led him from atheism to belief. We offer some excerpts, but the complete text in French can be found on his blog. “At the age of 18 I was asking many questions about the meaning of life. I was wondering which studies I should take up. I was quite knowledgeable in philosophy and literature, but I wasn’t searching for wisdom. I also wanted to know God. I enrolled at the school of theology in Lausanne. I was drawn to the study of religion, and I imagined I would find my way in theology. But the more I went ahead the more the questions increased. Ten months later I was an atheist. One day I went into a church and posted my rebellion on the lectern: ‘God doesn’t exist!’ I decided to give my studies, but the questions continued. Sometime later I met a friend who invited me to attend a meeting in Aix-en-Provence at a Protestant school of theology. That’s where God was waiting for me. I was touched by the fraternal atmosphere that was flowing among the people at that meeting. That night I knelt down in my bedroom, and only one word came to my lips: “Sorry”. I was surprised. To whom had I spoken that word? Deep down I knew why I had said it: At that time I was in conflict with a lot of people and had offended quite a few. When I got home, I went to them to ask ‘forgiveness’. Each time was a new experience of light: I experienced Christ waiting for me in others, especially in the most disadvantaged. So I sought contact with other Christians. Up until that day I had lived life on my own. Now, I had discovered the light of the Risen Jesus that illuminates those who gather in his name.   I’ll share with you three experiences on the Word that have a strong ecumenical dimension. The School of the Word: When I was director of the Swiss Bible Society, I entered in contact with Cardinal Martini, the then archbishop of Milan. He was gathering thousands of young people to experience lectio divina. Several people involved in youth ministry from the Catholic, Reformed and Evangelical Churches in Switzerland were interested in the experience. The Cardinal invited us to launch an ecumenical School of the Word. We experienced that getting together to listen to Christ unites us at a very deep level.   The Word of Life as “light for my path” (Ps 119,105). The Word of Life is put out by the Focolare Movement, which I’ve been involved with for some twenty years. It’s a Bible verse that we meditate on for one month, but especially try to live in our daily lives and share the fruits with one another. I proposed it to the parishioners in the parish where I exercise my Ministry: It renewed the parish. Celebration of the Word every first Sunday of the month at the Cathedral of Lausanne. The Community of Churches from the Canton of Vaud invited the 20 churches that belong to it. Since 2004 over a hundred such celebrations have been held there. It’s been a fine ecumenical apprenticeship in which we discover our diversity and rejoice in it. It encourages us not be afraid of our differences and to give thanks for the gifts that have been accorded to others, and which never cease to enrich us. This precious initiative has been most useful in helping us to walk together as Christians towards unity. Gathering again and again in the presence of God, to listen to his Word is to already anticipate a full communion. By prayer the Holy Spirit already unites us, and that’s why Christ is light in my life.”    Maria Chiara De Lorenzo Blog  of Martin Hoegger Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to the World Communion of Reformed Churches


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