“The world is the word of the God who created it. And how does this word sound? Like this: I love you. And to whom is that word addressed? It is addressed to the world that is that word; it is addressed to every individual whom the world sees as someone who knows they are a tiny part of the world, yet, nevertheless, able to soar beyond themselves to the whole. It is a word addressed to every man. The world is God’s word of love towards whoever lives in it; it is a gaze from Divine Love towards that individual. It is what the world is in its totality and in each of its parts: every particular of the world is a glance from the love of God.” (Cosmology, anthropology, sociology and religion) “I can completely dedicate myself to this world, because I am a Christian; in fact, all the love we invest in this world will mark it forever, our love will leave an indelible mark on every single fragment of Creation.” (December 1980) “The primary interest of a Christian should be to bring forward not only those who share his ideals, but all those who have responsibility for the world, building up of a humane world.” (November 1978) “The life and unity of people cannot be considered as the mere sum of individuals, nor as a collective system in which the single is swallowed up and disappears. The alternative is communio. I am myself, but in the measure to which I am for you and with you, and in the measure to which I receive from you. Man can only be explained in this relationship. Only in this Trinitarian relationship does collectivism not dissolve the individual. Only in this Trinitarian relationship is the individual not sacrificed to a communitarian structure. From this, I am certain, new prospects will open in favour of a universal economic order.” (Dreifaltigkeit, p. 131) Source: Klaus Hemmerle, La luce dentro le cose, Meditazioni per ogni giorno, Città Nuova Ed, 1998, p. 287-293.
Put love into practice
Put love into practice