Focolare Movement

Genfest 2012: Building Bridges

Jun 20, 2011

The preparations for the next Genfest are well underway. The Genfest is planned for 31st August, 1st and 2nd Spetember 2012 in Budapest, Hungary.

20110621-02On the weekend of 18 and 19 June almost 100 young and less young people got together in the Mariapolis Centre, Castelgandolfo (Rome) to establish the main points of the event. This planning group working came from a wide range of nations including: Brasil, the Philipinnes, China and Madagascar. The wonderful cultural mix enabled the content of the programme to have a truly ‘global’ vision, reaching beyond the boundaries of the performance arena: in fact the idea and suggestion from the youth in Hungary was to involve the whole city, having events in the streets, squares and above all, given their significance for the Hungarian capital – the bridges of Budapest. The basic plan for the remaining preparation is not just to work out the detail but to also involve other young people and get ready for an event that won’t be an end in itself but, be the culmination of a journey in mutual love that doesn’t end there: that work now needs to start in each nation. As we don’t want to spoil the surprise we won’t divulge any more details, the note to put in your diary reads: Youth for a United World hope to see you in Budapest from 31st august to 2nd September 2012. [nggallery id=55]      


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