«Working in the fields, and taking care of the life of the plants, in an immense silence marked by the solar and lunar cycles, and sharing the work of creation of natural life, are also like priestly tasks, and call for concentration and sacrifice: the courage to tune in with one’s own soul, and be one with the expectation of the universe, in contact with nature which is a miraculous nursery, feeling oneself, without fainting, in the presence of God.» (FIDES, July 1938) « Man needs beauty and purity that surpasses human ideals in order to rise up to the contemplation of Mary. She was the one who lifted him up: in contemplating this, the most beautiful aspirations of the soul blossomed, and tried to capture through expressions of art, the highest ever achieved. Maternity is womanly tenderness, the most beautiful passion, the moment wherein one is able to lift oneself beyond brutality, through a surge of divinization.» (FIDES, March 1938) «The Christian revolution came about without conspiracy and did not overturn institutions, nor did it kill tyrants, but penetrated into the obsolete organisations of the old world, into the worn family, in the decrepit juridical institutes, and into social relationships intoxicated by lust. It was love that was stirring up again, to regenerate all and by which suddenly, slaves were able to transform themselves before their masters, and woman assumed a new value in the eyes of man, and heathens and labourers bridged the immense gap between them and the Greeks and Romans. ». (FIDES, February 1943 «The aware Christian – the saint – is one who uses his time carefully and is able to achieve a lot in a short time, to honour the Head of the house, for the common good and wellbeing of his brethren. This activity and ability, in the current language is called apostolate. A Christian that does not act in the manner and time assigned, is a Christian who ignores his role in the Church: he is unaware of the Church that lives because it acts and produces action. We say it produces Catholic action. In a thousand ways, all are involved. A poet can do it and likewise a half wit, a hermit and a monk, the head of a family and a department head, the city wayfarer and the cobbler in his workshop. ». (FIDES, October 1938) Source: Igino Giordani Centre
Put love into practice
Put love into practice