Focolare Movement

Holland: Freedom and the West

Oct 10, 2014

Laura is one of the organizers of the National Catholic Youth Day in Holland. A TV station invited her to a potentially ‘dangerous’ interview.

20141010-01“In Holland there are no wars, no poverty like in other countries of the world, we do not have natural disasters nor the persecution of Christians or of other peoples. We live in a free country where we can do and say whatever we want. And perhaps this freedom was at that moment my greatest enemy. ” Thus begins the story of Laura, a young Dutch girl who helped in the organisation of the 35th National Day for the Catholic youth of Holland. A festival with live music, stands and the sharing of experiences: this year, for the first time, it lasted for 2 days, and was hosted by the little town of the Focolare in Marienkroon (Nieuwkuijk), in a picturesque landscape in the woods. 700 young people arrived there on the weekend of June 28 and 29. “It was a really nice festival, full of joy and sunshine, very informal – continued Laura – The music groups played, someone was eating candy floss or attending a workshop, there was always something to do or experience.” During the preparation, the national television Talpa, contacted the organizers. It was a question of participating in a reality show in which an actor and a singer visit different groups in the Netherlands who share a passion or a way of life. They spend a bit of time with them, have interviews and a dinner to say thank you. When they heard about this festival for young Catholics, they asked to spend the weekend with them. “In this period of great criticism of the Catholic Church in the Netherlands, it seemed that this could be a great opportunity to show to the whole nation a church that is young, vibrant and full of strength and courage. At the same time we were a little afraid, not knowing how the interviews would be modified for the final transmission.” Three young people were chosen to be interviewed during the festival, among them Laura: “During the conversations prior to the final interview, I realized they wanted to create an image of a young Catholic in a precise stereotype: boring and with a limited view on the world. There were questions about pre-marital relations, on living and preaching the Gospel, the prejudices that exist in the Church today and the choices I was making in life at that time. I had to think for a few days before accepting the invitation. So many thoughts were going around in my head, ‘You do not know who will see this program. Maybe my college friends, my neighbours, my teachers, people who do not accept me because of my faith.’ I was sure that with this interview I would transmit a certain image of myself to the whole country, the image of a girl who devotes her life to the Church and to the building of a united world. And I didn’t feel happy about that. I had to take a huge step to overcome this fear of revealing my soul, my ideals, before an audience of a million and a half people. I finally said yes. The interview went very well. There will be people who see the interview and make negative comments or will not want to stay in touch with me. However, the intense and infinite Love that I feel inside of me for having remained faithful to God and to his plan on me as a young Catholic gives me great joy. I could not have given a greater testimony of my faith and my passion for a united world.”

See Vatican Radio article. Pope’s message to the young people


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