Focolare Movement

Hombre Mundo: artisans of peace and unity

Mar 3, 2022

From 25 to 27 February 2022 over 3000 young people witnessed universal fraternity developing active citizenship through local and global actions, committing to the great challenges facing the planet, from peace to environment and the fight against hunger and poverty.

From 25 to 27 February 2022 over 3000 young people witnessed universal fraternity developing active citizenship through local and global actions, committing to the great challenges facing the planet, from peace to environment and the fight against hunger and poverty. The desire to be together, meeting to build peace, live universal fraternity, take action for the environment and the weakest in society. In the three days from 25 to 27 February the Gen3 who are the adolescents of the Focolare Movement experienced the planetary workshop known as Hombre Mundo. More than 3,000 young people from more than 600 locations around the world took part in concrete actions and were connected through an online videoconference to bear witness to a united world. They were also able to share videos and photos of their experiences through teens4unity social networks. There were numerous messages of peace and solidarity including one from the Gen3 of Siberia, from the city of Krasnojarsk in Russia who sent a message during their Hombre Mundo to say: “we are living for Peace”. A message filled with hope, especially during these days of conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The programme of the planetary workshop was divided into three stages. 25 February: Our way of life is the art of loving: how have we lived this and can we live it during the pandemic? How can we carrying on loving in the virtual world of social media? “We have understood,” said Samira from Congo, “that we have to accept one another despite our differences, which are of enormous richness. It’s a way of promoting values whilst simultaneously banishing anti-values.” And Élise from France: “in one meeting we were really struck by certain statistics concerning infant mortality around the world, mainly due to the lack of drinking water. So we organised a concert to raise funds to drill a well in Cambodia that would provide clean water for a dozen families for life”. On 26 February, the young people strengthened their commitment to integral ecology and the “Zero Hunger” Objective, to improve protection of the planet in an effective way and drastically reduce hunger and poverty until they disappear. One of the experiences shared was from the Gen3 in Austria for a reforestation project. “The money invested in the tree project was raised during the Fair Play tournament held in Vienna,” they explained. The theme was ‘Fair Play against Climate Change’. About 120 players and 100 helpers took part that day.  With the money we raised, we were able to buy around 1,500 trees”. The 27 February was dedicated to the beauty of the encounter between peoples and the common commitment to build a world of peace and unity. A worldwide live videoconference connection enabled over 3,000 young people from 600 different connection points to meet and pray for peace. Then many experiences of peace and unity despite the many difficulties were shared. Like that of a girl in Myanmar, which is going through a very difficult political situation with many families having to leave their homes and take refuge in reception centres. She really wanted to be able to do something for them. “So I made myself available to help the refugees who had been taken in by the church. Even though I was tired, I believed that God was with me, looking at me and giving me the strength to carry on and help others. Now I can say that it was a wonderful and beautiful time for me. It was unforgettable.” In Lebanon, Maria Sfeir, Ambassador of Peace from the Middle East, together with Fouad Sfeir, told how they had “incorporated the culture of peace, educating our children and raising them with good values such as love and giving to build a better society, in an environment of non-violence and justice”. Among the many talks there was also Gen Rosso who were connected from the Italian island of Lampedusa, famous for welcoming migrants: “We are here in Lampedusa to support the wonderful people who welcome those forced to leave their land because of war, hunger and violence. Lampedusa is an island of fraternity, an open port, with people who look towards the horizon and jump into the sea to reach and save those at the mercy of the waves. Lampedusa: lamp, luminous beacon that signals land.  Land that means home. From here we want to say: let us always keep the doors of our hearts wide open”. Margaret Karram, president of the Focolare Movement, then gave a message: “You have built the building site with your testimony of life”. (…) Don’t feel alone, know that the Movement throughout the world is with you and supports you. (…) I too often feel powerless in the face of the evil in the world: wars, injustice, the destruction of nature. In these moments it helps me to talk to God. It gives me strength and courage to know that He is with us. The certainty of his love warms my heart, makes me able to love, to forgive, to hold out my hand to build unity with those I meet every day. I feel that only in this way can I be a little artisan of peace”.

Lorenzo Russo


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