Focolare Movement

Host Spot: Last stop in Egypt

Nov 22, 2017

The Host Spot project in Alexandria has concluded with a new awareness and a renewed commitment to create a pathway for peace. But it doesn’t end here!

HostSpot_Egypt_02“What will my future be as a young person in my land?” This cry of Nasreen, a young Palestinian, penetrates the hearts of the other young people who listen in deep silence wanting to put balsam on her wounds, still open after years of war and social instability. Emina was seven years old when war broke out in Sarajevo. Her life changed in an instant, but her desire to mature and counter react has been stronger. And Albert from Spain: “My life changed ever since I had an experience of living in a refugee camp in Jordan. I’m no longer the same.” They are young people who are determined to revive the challenges of building the social fabric of peace starting from their own lives. 10Thirty-two participants took part in the “Host Spotproject, held from 28 October to 2 November 2017 in Alexandria, Egypt. It was promoted by several NGOs and Associations, including New Humanity, “Non dalla guerra”, Caritas in Jordan, Igino Giordani Foundation (Spain), B-Net, Jesuit Culture Center (Alexandria), Ireland Focolare Trust, VACA (Palestine) and Starkmacher  (Germany). Starting off from their experience of meeting at a refugee camp in Jordan in August 2016, the young people pursued their initiative by holding two follow-up events in Germany, where they dealt with some of communication techniques, and as a final stage they met in Egypt. 1Young people from Hungary, Bosnia, Palestine, Egypt, Spain, Ireland, Italy and Jordan spent ten days together in the accomplishment of this innovative project, promoted by the European Community, in order to create connections and to build bridges between youth associations which which have as their aim the quest for peace. Through workshops, in-depth sessions on issues in the Middle East, dialogue between cultures and the importance of the media in communicating migration problems, in a world where one in two refugees is a child, the protagonists of this edition of Host Spot have embarked on a steadfast mission to spread a culture of peace, first and foremost through a training course on current affairs and information seminars on the systems which regulate the media. It was an experience which has allowed the youth protagonists to draw conclusions regarding the activities already undertaken and to plan together how to pursue this valuable collaboration between associations by developing projects and putting new synergies in place.

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