Focolare Movement

Hungary- a home for everyone

May 29, 2011

The Focolare community, actively getting ready to welcome young people from all around the world for next year’s Genfest, met with Maria Voce.

“What do you expect from the Focolare community in Hungary?” a Hungarian focolarina asked Chiara Lubich in 1985. The Focolare founder answered: “42 years ago there was nothing, or perhaps only one person who had this Ideal. Now we are spread all around the world. And so what do I expect from you? That the Movement, now present among a certain number of people and with a certain development, may spread through every city and town; that it may contribute to the renewal of the Church and of the whole society with its various instruments and movements in religious and social fields; and that it may, along with Our Lady’s other inventions, render the Immaculate Heart of Mary triumphant”. Who knows what Chiara would say today on seeing the development that has taken place on Hungarian soil since 1985. “We must give thanks to God because you are doing amazing work”, the current President Maria Voce stated at a gathering of the Hungarian Focolare family in Budapest on 28th May. The meeting was a chance to share experiences about activities in every field. The event took place in a former Russian army barracks and some of the 650 participants remarked that this seemed symbolic of the force within the Charism of Unity to transform society. The programme started with an original reconstruction of Chiara’s trip to Budapest in 1961- her first visit to the then eastern bloc. She was deeply struck by the effect that the regime was having on the country and its people. Whilst this made Chiara suffer, the impression that “Our Lady was at work” was just as strong. The presentation that Hungary’s local communities gave at Saturday’s event demonstrated that this was not a mere impression. 20110529-11Hungarians prove to be a proud population, with a well defined identity. At the same time they are looking for a balance between nationalism and openness on a universal level between a deep desire for freedom and the ability to take on responsibility. Maria Voce’s wish for them was that they may manage to “overcome their mistrust of other populations” which often impedes  reciprocity. “It is right to affirm national identity but it must create a symphony of nations”, the president underlined, “The challenge is to realise Hungary’s talents, offer them as a gift, welcome those of other populations and learn more and more how to collaborate”. Maria Voce went on to underline that every member of the Movement is called to do their part: The Volunteers, for example, have an innate vocation to transform humanity, conscious that, “doing our small part where we are, contributes to bringing ahead the Kingdom of God all around the world”. Those involved in New Humanity are called on to “bear witness to the Gospel in an often heroic way, without letting themselves be crushed by certain situations but transforming them with love. As Chiara said in a mediation, ‘What do we do when we have loved a lot? Love even more’.” The families in the Movement are called on to respond to the many difficulties that undermine solidity with “an ever greater and ever renewed love, with an openness without limits, finding the roots of this love in God”. The children asked the president where they can find God and were happy to hear that one of the places we find Him is in others. The teenagers shared that they risk marginalisation because they don’t conform to the flock and they left the meeting feeling fortified because “Jesus also felt misunderstood by everyone. Don’t worry about this, worry about what God wants. The simple fact that you manage to bring ahead your idea is an example and a provocation to others”, said Maria Voce and Giancarlo Faletti in encouragement.

Maria Voce's meeting with the Hungarian young people

The major youth event that will take place on 1st and 2nd of September 2012 and that the Focolare Movement’s young people chose to hold in Budapest was an inevitable topic. Both the previous day at an intimate meeting with 70 Gen and once again at the big meeting-hall on Saturday, the young people wanted to know what expectations people have for the important event. “It must be a celebration that will give great joy to those of us who prepare it and to those who come to participate. You must bear witness to the fact that there is nothing greater than a Gospel revolution- the only revolution capable of changing our lives. It’s a great opportunity, an example of what Hungary is able to give. You have lots of work ahead to prepare a ‘home’ for young people from all over the world. I can’t wait for this event”. Aurora Nicosia [nggallery id=46] [nggallery id=47]


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