20 April 1979 – Like every Christian, my love goes to the Lord in every moment and I contemplate Him with respectful fear. At times, however, I take chances since it never represses my calling as a jokester. And this morning at Mass an invocation suddenly popped into my mind: “You are the Omnipotent.” And immediately after my weak poetic side looked for a rhyme: “I am ‘nopotent’.” Then, I thought that if I’m nothing, by receiving God into myself, I take on Divine value. 5 November 1979 – I’m often taken by thoughts of death, but they don’t come in darkness and sorrow. Death comes as a light that shows our greatness and the beauty of life, and of its Author who could be anything but a most benevolent father. Looking at certain periods in life was hard, crude, desolate: the misery, the mourning, the wars, the betrayals, the meaninglessness… But contemplated as a whole, life appears a prodigy – a demonstration – of God’s fatherliness: 86 years of life, the wounds of battle that kept the war ever present, the political battles, the financial problems, the misunderstandings both inflicted and undergone, the physical weakness, etc. But seen as a whole, it appears a defeat of death to me, a joyful and necessary operation in which I was given to do more good than bad and have feelings of extraordinary successes, friendships, journeys, mystical elevations, lessons of wisdom and faith. I never stop thanking the sharer of so many good thing that were, given to me so freely. So even amid the shadows and the sorrows, life was beautiful for me, a gift worthy of its Creator. And my daily observations, reasonings and verifying has proven to me the truth of the religious faith that has always enlightened me and made me want to live. Life is truly beautiful, and its beauty shows the absurdity of politics and the personal behaviours of those who have worked to make it ugly (war, terrorism, exploitation, hedonism, greed, lust) and all the deformations and lacerations intended by stupidity the intelligence of the world’s Enemy. Source: Igino Giordani, Diario di fuoco, Città Nuova, Rome, 2005 (1980), pp.238-240. Brochure: On the anniversary of his death, the Centre named after him has published a brochure about the life of Igino Giordani and his spiritual journey. For information: info@iginogiordani.info Giordani on Facebook
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