Focolare Movement

In each present moment let the Risen Lord live in us

Mar 28, 2024

S'avvicina Pasqua, la più grande festa dell'anno, e con essa la Settimana Santa stracolma dei misteri più preziosi della vita di Gesù.

(…) Easter will soon be here. It’s the greatest feast of the year and with it comes Holy Week which is filled with the most precious mysteries of Jesus’ life.

 We are reminded of these especially on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and on Easter Sunday, the day of the Resurrection. For us,they represent central aspects of our spirituality: the mandate to live the new commandment, the institution of the priesthood and the Eucharist, the prayer for unity, the death of Jesus forsaken on the cross, Mary Desolate, the Risen Lord.

We will celebrate these mysteries with the Church through the sacred liturgies, but because ours is a “way of life” we will prepare ourselves to honour them also with our life. (…)

So what should we live as Holy Week draws near, during these blessed days?

I think the best way to live all of them is to live Easter, to let the Risen Lord live in us.

For the Risen Lord to shine out in us, we must love Jesus forsaken and always be, as we say, “beyond His wound” where charity reigns. Charity then encourages us to be the new commandment in action. Charity urges us to approach the Eucharist which nourishes this divine love in our heart and truly makes us become what we are consuming, that is, the Risen Jesus. Charity leads us to live in unity with God and with our brothers and sisters. It is through charity that each of us can, in a certain way, be another Mary.

Yes, there is no better way to live the various aspects of Jesus’ life recalled during Holy Week than by deciding in each present moment to let the Risen Lord live in us. (…)

Chiara Lubich

(Chiara Lubich, Per essere un popolo di Pasqua, 24 marzo 1994 in Conversazioni in collegamento telefonico, Città Nuova, 2019, pp. 461-2)


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