Focolare Movement

Indonesia: Meeting for young men and women religious

May 20, 2014

Eighty young members of 18 congregations rediscover, in the light of the spirituality of unity, the roots of their charisms and the value of the fraternity lived in their communities.

“The spirituality of unity helps me to get to know myself better and to be more rooted as a Conventual Franciscan […]. I come from an order of fraternity and today I saw that ideal fulfilled here.” “The whole day reminded me to live brotherhood with commitment in my community. Living in a student house, we are often busy with all our tasks and we forget how important it is.” These are two impressions at the conclusion of the meeting for young men and women religious from different congregations, organized by the Focolare Movement on 3rd May, in Yogyakarta (Indonesia). Recently, the focolarini moved from wealthy Singaporeto assist the numerous and more modest Indonesian community .

The main theme was, “The role of the charism in consecrated life to make the Church more beautiful and the world more united”. It was introduced by Fr Piero Trabucco from the Consolata Order who came specially from the Focolare’s Centre for Religious in Rome. He facilitated an intense exchange of experiences and questions aimed primarily at clarifying the spiritual bond of members of religious orders with the Focolare Movement, which dates from the birth of the Movement. In fact, the wide diffusion of  the Gospel spirit of unity contained in the charism of Chiara Lubich, is due in a large part to the work of religious men and women who, having met this spirit of communion in Italy, shared it wherever they were transferred in the world.

The positive and often enthusiastic impressions, of the 80 participants from 18 congregations, indicated the desire to rediscover the origins of the different charisms, as they were in the mind of their founders. And from this came the commitment to live these in a greater spirit of brotherhood and unity, each in their own communities.

Sary John, a Jesuit, said he was struck by the idea of “be the first to love” and highlighted the richness of the experience lived during the day, with others from the different religious congregations. Sister Valentina, said: “This meeting has prompted me to ‘go out’ from my congregation to get to know others and learn to love them as my own.” And Sister Novianti : “The example of Chiara Lubich, prophet of peace and love in the midst of the world touched me deeply.” Sister Pasifica (OFM) , wrote: “The Focolare responds to today’s challenges for consecrated life. I was very satisfied with this meeting because it has rekindled in me faith and love for the charism of my congregation.”

And other impressions: “A very nice meeting, especially when it placed importance on going back to the roots of the spirituality of one’s own congregation, the dream of the founder. This awareness leads me to want to have his very thoughts and his very feelings.” “I realized that up to now I haven’t been living in full love and I hope that this meeting will be a beginning to share love with others.” In the wake of this day dedicated to the spirituality of unity, many of the participants hope that they will have more opportunities to meet to grow together on this path of communion and brotherhood between the various charisms.

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