On 10-11 September, the Jewish communities worldwide celebrate the festival of the Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year of the year 5779, with festivities starting on the eve, 9 September. “The atmosphere of the feast – explained the UCEI, Union of Italian Jewish Communities – differs greatly from that in force in the ’civil’” New Year. It is considered a day of reflection, introspection, self-examination and spiritual renewal. It is the day on which, according to tradition, the Lord examines all of mankind and takes into account the good or bad deeds each has done in the previous year.” In fact, the Talmud says, “During Rosh Hashanah all creation is judged before the Lord.” It is not by chance that in Jewish tradition it is also called “Yom HaDin,” Day of Judgement. Divine justice will be sealed on the day of Kippur, Day of Atonement. These two dates are separated by seven days which sum up to two of the Rosh Hashanah, and those of Kippur are the so-called “ten days of penance.” Rosh Hashanah regards the single individual, the relationship one has with one’s neighbour and with God, and each one’s intentions to improve.”
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