Focolare Movement

July 1999

Jun 30, 1999

«The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it» (Mt. 13:45-46)

“The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it” (Mt. 13:45-46)

In this very brief parable, Jesus captivates the imagination of his listeners. Everyone knew the value of pearls which, along with gold, were the most precious elements known at that time.
In addition, the Scriptures spoke of wisdom, that is, of the knowledge of God as something that “could not be likened to any priceless gem” (Wis. 7:9).
But what emerges in the parable is the description of an exceptional, surprising and unexpected event: the merchant caught sight of a pearl, perhaps in a bazaar, which had enormous value only to his expert eyes, and therefore, from which he could derive considerable profit. This is why, after calculating his risks and interests, he decided that it was worthwhile to sell all he had in order to buy the pearl. Who wouldn’t have done the same in his place?
This then is the profound meaning of the parable: the encounter with Jesus, and that is, with the Kingdom of God among us – this is the pearl! The unique opportunity we must jump at, engaging all our energies and all that we possess.

«The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.»

This is not the first time that the disciples are faced with a radical demand, having to leave all in order to follow Jesus: everything that is most precious to them, like family affections, economic security, guarantees for the future.
But he is not asking something unmotivated or absurd.
For the “all” that we lose there is the “all” that we find, inestimably more precious. Each time Jesus asks for something, he promises to give much, much more, in abundance.
Thus he assures us in this parable that we will have a treasure in our hands that will make us rich forever.
And if it seems to be a mistake to leave what is certain for what is uncertain, a secure good for only the promise of good, let us remember that merchant: he knows that that pearl is very precious and he confidently awaits the profits it will bring him.
Likewise, whoever wants to follow Jesus knows, sees, with the eyes of faith, what an immense gain it will be to share with him the heritage of the Kingdom for having left everything at least spiritually.
God offers to all men and women an opportunity of this kind some time in their lives.

«The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it.»

It is a concrete invitation to put aside all the idols that can take the place of God in our heart: career, marriage, studies, a beautiful house, profession, sports, entertainment.
It is an invitation to put God in the first place, at the height of all our thoughts and affections, because everything in our life must converge towards him and come to us from him.
By doing this, by seeking the Kingdom, according to the Gospel promise, the rest will be given to us besides (Cf. Lk. 12:31). Putting aside everything for the Kingdom of God, we receive the hundredfold in houses, brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers (Cf. Mt. 19:29), because the Gospel has a clear human dimension: Jesus is the God-Man and together with spiritual food, he assures us of bread, shelter, clothes, family.
Perhaps we should learn from the “little ones” to trust more in the Providence of the Father, who never fails to give to those who give, out of love, the little they have.
A few months ago, a group of young people in the Congo started making artistic cards from banana peels, which are then sold in Germany. At first, they kept all the profits (some of them support their entire families). Now they have decided to put 50% of the profits in common, and 35 unemployed young people have received assistance.
God does not let himself be outdone in generosity: two of these young people gave such a witness in the shop where they work that a number of shopkeepers in search of personnel, inquired at that shop. As many as eleven young people found permanent jobs.

Chiara Lubich


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