Focolare Movement

Letters from the Mariapolis

Aug 16, 2018

The Mariapolis, a traditional summer gathering of the Focolare, is held and continues in various parts of the world with varied features and expressions, as seen from the many messages we have received, some of which we are sharing here.

“Our Mariapolis in Calgary,” wrote Alizza and Norio from Canada, “was attended by about 120 people, particularly young people and families, mostly from the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, but also from Manitoba and the British Columbia. The program included the presentation of Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation on the call to sainthood today (“Gaudete et exsultate”), followed by an open dialogue. The presentation, prepared by Rev. A. Martens of the diocese of Calgary, aroused in all the desire to read it personally. Another novelty in the “city founded on faith,” as a participant defined, was the prayer for peace soiree. The community of Chicago wrote: “We are at the conclusion of our Mariapolis which was held for the entire Midwest community. Already last year, we had felt the need to change the location and style of our traditional event, which has been held up to now always in a university campus in the city. The choice fell on the pleasant banks of a lake. The program entitled: “Mary: her experience, our experience,” reminded us that no one is immune to the trials and uncertainties which Mary of Nazareth had undergone, and showed us how to face them. The results?“The atmosphere of the Mariapolis seemed like that of a family luncheon: relaxed, with a lot of flexibility, improvisation (which also meant having a good sense of humour) and an overall sense of peace.” “The themes focused on and the sharing of experiences helped me to understand Mary more deeply, in the difficult times in which she lived and the way in which she managed to overcome the trials. I liked the group which shared about ’knowing how to lose’. This type of mentality is not popular in today’s world.” “Our Mariapolis was held in West Virginia, wrote the Focolare community of Washington DC, with 160 participants. The youth, who made up more than half of the participants,from being guests turned into protagonists and placed their numberless talents in the technical field at the service of the reception and management of the groups.” In Tennessee, USA, around 70 participants were from various southeastern States: Maryland, Georgia, Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, and Texas, besides those from Indiana and New York. “We dedicated much time to building relationships, and even watched some soccer world championship matches… The presence of the little ones was a gift, and they were always among the first one to recount their concrete acts of love. We delved deeper into Mary’s ‘yes’, and her “bring Jesus to the world.”During the final closing program, a boy who was accommodated in the same centre wanted to give his share of experiences. A Father said: “I was struck by the love of my son, who is 7. While I was busy preparing the final program, he went to fetch dinner for me.”And a child: “Why don’t we stay for a whole month?” From Bulgaria, a letter full of photos arrived: “It is the second time we are holding the Mariapolis in the central Balkan region, with about 80 people from 1 to 85 years of age. Before it started in the next-door Orthodox Monastery, there was a feast dedicated to Our Lady. Upon meeting us there, the Abbot insisted on meeting all the Mariapolis attendants on the next Sunday. We were a sole family: Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants (Baptists).” In Bolivia the Mariapolis, characterized by the numerous presence of young people, concluded with the young people’s Genfest. “The great mutual love between adults and the youth enabled the success of the two events. In the Mariapolis we held workshops on ecology, the economy of communion, dialogue and even choreographed dances and games for the last day’s Genfest, a great occasion to go well beyond our limits as the title of the event said, and to speak of God to many young people!”


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