Focolare Movement

Living the Gospel: “Learn to do good, seek righteousness” (Is 1:17)

Jan 17, 2023

Learning to do good means learning an alphabet that allows us to intuit the will of God in our lives and go towards other people. It is an alphabet made of concrete action. Justice is the precious treasure to be sought, the desired gem and the goal of what we do.

Learning to do good means learning an alphabet that allows us to intuit the will of God in our lives and go towards other people. It is an alphabet made of concrete action. Justice is the precious treasure to be sought, the desired gem and the goal of what we do. The accident I was on my way home for lunch when the car in front of me swerved and turned over. I stopped and got out of the car to help. Thanks also to other rescuers, we were able to remove the injured an old lady, a young man and a child from the vehicle. They were covered in blood. For fear of being involved in the accident, no one offered to take them to the hospital. So it was up to me! I am very sensitive and sometimes the sight of blood has made me faint. But this time I took courage and was able to help. There is a fee to be paid to be admitted into the emergency department.  I didn’t have the amount in cash. I was hesitant to write a cheque but I could not abandon them so I did. After making sure that the injured were being looked after (like the Good Samaritan), I left. I felt light, like you do after sitting an exam: I had overcome the obstacle of my sensitivity but above all I had been of help to my neighbours at a crucial moment. I felt the true joy of the Gospel. (Marciano – Argentina) Rebirth The rebellious adolescence of one of our children, his depression, panic attacks, destructive friendships and addictions had caused a serious wound in our family. A river of anger and hostile feelings welled up inside me that made me act negatively towards my husband and other children. I felt I had failed as a mother and I became more and more closed in on myself. A dear friend, seeing me in such a state, advised me to talk to a priest. I received a grace in that very meeting. It was as if God broke through the thick walls of my heart where my tears were locked up. I cried for a long time, I cried for all the terrible things that happened to our son over the years. That day the liturgy contained a phrase from Ezekiel that confirmed my rebirth: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). I found peace in prayer and was able to be close to my children and become a safe place for them. (W.Z. – Poland) Forgiveness An acquaintance of mine received a message from her brother announcing the sudden death of his wife and begging her to go and see him. She had never been on good terms with her sister-in-law, especially since she had prevented her husband from visiting their mother on the verge of death. She even had some friends who told her that it was good not to go to a brother who had not behaved well with the whole family. The woman, in her very religious way, began to pray for her sister-in-law, to have Masses celebrated for her… but she did not move: she could not forgive her brother. How could I convince her of the incongruity of her Christianity? That month, the Word of Life was focussed on mutual love. I brought my acquaintance the leaflet with the commentary that explained how to live that evangelical commandment. A few days later, she came to my house smiling: she wanted to tell me that after she read the leaflet she had not been able to prevent herself, she had gone to see her brother and had reconciled with him. (D.P. – Brazil)

Edited by Maria Grazia Berretta

(Taken from The Gospel of the Day, New City, year IX – n.1- January-February 2023)


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