Focolare Movement

Living the Gospel: like the evangelical child

Aug 6, 2021

Jesus asks us to become  small, like children, who confidently entrust themselves to their  father and mother and believe in their love.  Chiara Lubich said,  "We too, "evangelical children", depend on the Father for everything . He knows what we need, even before we ask him and he gives it to us".

Jesus asks us to become  small, like children, who confidently entrust themselves to their  father and mother and believe in their love.  Chiara Lubich said,  “We too, “evangelical children”, depend on the Father for everything . He knows what we need, even before we ask him and he gives it to us”. Adoption at a distance In January 2017, I remotely adopted a girl from Kenya.  However, for about a year my life took an unexpected turn and I did not have a fixed income, so sometimes I wondered if I would be able to continue supporting the child. The words of Jesus, “Whatever you do to the least, you do to me”, were always a stimulus to continue to take care of her. Then, like a confirmation, after each moment of hesitation, I was offered a new work project. I thank God who loves me immensely and proves this to me all the time. (Anny from Romania) An innovative model I was in my last year of Dentistry, the most challenging. I shouldn’t have been thinking of anything else but to graduate quickly. Instead I agreed to give tutorials to Fabio, who was not doing well at school, as a favour for his mother, a lady I met by chance. I’m was doing it for free, because their finances were not good. One day when we were studying science, by chance, I had to teach him about teeth! To help him understand the masterpiece that is our chewing system, almost without realizing, I invented a model with a technical device which was simple but very practical for teaching. I communicated the discovery to the Professor of my thesis. He was very enthusiastic about it. Even more, he offered to include it in a lecture he was going to give at the University of Caserta, describing not only the technical aspect, but also the circumstance that made me think of it. In the following months, I was also given the opportunity to talk about it to 70 students. The latest news from the Professor is that a book will also be published about my discovery. And all because I listened to a mother’s request. (Tonino – Italy) Temptation I’m married and have three daughters. I am a carpenter. I have a small bank account, but our financial situation is not thriving. One day, when I went to make a deposit, I found a credit in my account of 235 bolivares: an amount we would really have needed! I ignored it and with my wife, we decided to wait for a week. While waiting, I imagined the most bizarre things about that money; maybe someone was suffering or could lose their job because of me. A few years ago, I didn’t think about love of neighbour at all, but now! Back in the bank, I explained the situation to the person in charge, who said to me, “You are the most honest person I have met”. Since they needed to investigate to see what had happened, she gave me an appointment three days later. When I went back to the bank they had discovered the error. I was relieved to learn that the money belonged to a man who participates in the Word of Life meetings in my very Parish. Luckily I hadn’t succumbed to that moment of temptation. (Jose from Venezuela)

Compiled by Lorenzo Russo

(taken from Il Vangelo del Giorno, Città Nuova, year VII, no. 4, July-August 2021)  


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