Focolare Movement

LoppianoLab 2015: allowing the African youth to have their dreams

Oct 2, 2015

Two innovative projects that could change the lives and perspectives of the African youth, families and entrepreneurs were presented at the National Congress of the Economy of Communion networks.

20151002-02“Hosting the extraordinary in the ordinary things, training one’s perception to see the growth of the tree: without prophets, life would be a place of pessimism and not of hope which unites us.” In brief, this was what the economist, Luigino Bruni, said at the National Congress of the EoC networks during the 6th edition of LoppianoLab, attended by more than 2,000 participants from all over the country, and also others. Economy of Conmunion as a model to start with. “Only by regenerating relationships can we overcome fear and relaunch the economy: today, while mistrust and pessimism are holding back the relaunching of the economy in Europe and the Western world, we dare to look at the economy with the eyes of the African youth. – Bruni began – If we want to contribute to the rebirth of the economy, we have to regenerate the territories, families, relationships and rediscover and practice the civic virtues”. Not by chance, the title chosen was “Beyond fear. The culture of dialogue, active citizenship, civic economy,” for the 2015 edition of LoppianoLab, promoted by the  Città Nuova Publishers, the Polo Lionello Bonfanti-Economy of Communion (EoC), Sophia University Institute (SUI) and the Loppiano International Centre (FI). Obviously there was a pressing call to the economic sector that involves about 200 businesses in Italy and 800 throughout the world, to adhere to and focus on man and his relational dimension in all their economic dealings, by practicing an Economy of Communion. 20151002-01Dreaming of Africa. The workshop often referred to the EoC’s international congress held last May in Nairobi, the vitality of which was discussed by Geneviéve Sanze, an economist from Central Africa. In her continent, as of today, there are about 30 businesses that have joined the project which gave life to a network of support for the youth by the EoC entrepreneurs. People at times think that “Economy is a science of wealth: and believe that you have to go to the big cities to practice it, but with EoC, it has become the science of communion – she affirmed. Exchange of ideas, dialogue, and fraternity: in Nairobi we saw that every person brings a certain wealth within him that is all-inclusiveness and uniqueness, in the same way as the creative entrepreneur tries to enrich his ambience and his territory without catering to standards that are remote and far from the attention of the outskirts in need. And a totally new way of facing the topic of economy at international levels is to start from Africa, but even more so when considering the contribution Africa can give, rather than receive, thus giving trust and new drive to the Africans themselves, to empower their opportunities in their own countries.” Africa is a young continent, as testified to by Gloria and Melchiot, two African students enrolled in the Sophia University Institute in Loppiano: “Allowing the African youth to have their dreams signifies avoiding the phenomenon of immigration: so why don’t we open businesses in Africa, so that they can find jobs there?” Anouk Grevin, Economist (University of Nantes and Sophia University Institute), announced that “Two business projects have started up in Nairobi. The Catholic University Institute of Buea (CUIB) in Cameroon has announced the institution of a Degree in the Economy of Communion, and the start in 2017 of the project incubator, “Siobhan,” to support the birth of new businesses in Africa. The second project dedicated to François Neveux, French pioneer of the EoC, will bring together entrepreneurs from all over the world, and create a network of economic support and project design, addressing especially young entrepreneurs.” Source: Città Nuova


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