Focolare Movement

New pathways towards integral ecology

Sep 1, 2020

The "World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation". The Focolare Movement supports this in two different ways –  with the initiative “Time of Creation" and with a meeting in October 2020.

 The “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation”. The Focolare Movement supports this in two different ways –  with the initiative “Time of Creation” and with a meeting in October 2020. 1st September is the “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation”. It was established by Pope Francis in 2015, the year that he launched his encyclical Laudato si.  In this document, the Pope invites everyone to commit themselves to care for creation because this is our home and our most precious good. He also asks that we go beyond the current socio-economic system: we can no longer exploit planet earth as if there were unlimited natural resources. We must act quickly and find a different model of development. What can we do to be more concrete? Laudato si opens up the notion of  “ecological conversion”: it speaks of change in lifestyle and trying to practise integral ecology. Therefore, the  text refers not only to the environment but also to politics, economy and society. We need to start with ourselves and think about what we  consume:  we should choose politicians who show concern for the care of nature and who promote the production of renewable energy and decrease the use of fossil fuels. This year, the Focolare Movement is continuing to promote “Time of Creation” the annual celebration of prayer and action for our common home that begins on 1st September  and ends on 4th October, the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of ecology, greatly loved by many Christian denominations. The focolare’s global network is encouraging everyone to organize events and register them on the website.  This ecumenical initiative began  thirty years ago: in 1989, Dimitrios,  Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Constantinople, was instrumental in encouraging the different Christian Churches to jointly declare 1st September as “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation”.  This year, the suggested theme is “Jubilee for the earth: new rhythms, new hope”. This theme is helpful in considering the integral relationship between the earth’s rest and ecological, economic, social and political life, particularly in the light of the far-reaching effects caused by Covid-19  pandemic. Later, from 23rd to 25th October in Castel Gandolfo, Italy, there will also be a meeting organized by EcoOne – the ecological network of the Focolare.  Participants will include experts in ecology, politicians, university lecturers and representatives of organizations and associations.  This meeting will examine the impact of Laudato si’ on the contemporary world and  new pathways towards an integral ecology.  The event aims to showcase the role that individuals and social entities can play in the care of our common home. In addition, this is also a special year because on  24th May, the fifth anniversary of the encyclical,  Pope Francis announced that the coming year will be dedicated to. Laudato si . The urgency of the situation is such that it requires a concrete and immediate response involving all levels – local and regional, national and international. We need to create “a popular movement” that engages at grassroots level, an alliance between all people of good will. This is why it is important to participate in initiatives such as “Time of Creation” or the EcoOne meeting in October. As Pope Francis reminds us, “All of us can cooperate as instruments of God for the care of creation, each according to his or her own culture, experience, involvements and talents.” (LS, 14)

Lorenzo Russo



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