Focolare Movement


Unity as “ecumenism of the heart”

In an atmosphere of joy, peace and fraternity, the 11th General Assembly of the World Council of Churches concluded a few days ago in Karlsruhe, Germany. Following is from the Centro Uno team, Focolare’s international secretariat for ecumenism, who were present at the event.

Floods in Pakistan: networking for concrete action

Floods in Pakistan: networking for concrete action

An exceptional wave of monsoon rains, five times greater than average, has caused one of the most disastrous floods in Pakistan in recent decades. A real catastrophe but one which, despite the enormous difficulties, has not dampened the desire of many people on the ground to take concrete action for their neighbour. A fund-raising campaign has also been launched by the Focolare Movement’s Emergency Coordination Team.

Chiara Lubich: Mary, architect of fraternity

Così come ha avuto cura e amore per suo figlio Gesù, Maria vuole il bene di ogni persona. Lei, creatura umana, è il modello di ogni cristiano e, rispecchiandoci nelle tappe della sua vita possiamo dare il nostro contributo per un mondo nuovo.

Argentina: building a home, a family and a future

Argentina: building a home, a family and a future

“Giving’ is like a breeze that opens so many doors.Here is the story of some Youth for Unity who supported a family in need on the outskirts of  Buenos Aires, Argentina.The friendship that developed led to them sharing in experiences they could never have imagined. 

Chiara Lubich: communicate

On 2 June 2000, the first conference on ‘Communication and Unity’ was held, in which Chiara Lubich presented to those attending, the model of the ‘great communicator’: Jesus in the moment of his forsakenness, the mediator between humanity and God. She then listed the guiding principles of communications inspired by the charism of unity.

Bolivia: a cross-cultural encounter

Bolivia: a cross-cultural encounter

As part of the programme of activities for United World Week 2022, the preparation team from Cochabamba (Bolivia), in coordination with the 'Casa de los Niños' in the same city, organised a visit to the rural community of Carpani Carpani is a small town of 250...

[:it]Chiara Lubich: perdonare, come una madre[:es]Chiara Lubich: perdonar, como una madre[:fr]Chiara Lubich : pardonner comme le fait une mère[:pt]Chiara Lubich: perdoar, como uma mãe

“In his first ‘Angelus’ message in Rome on 17th March 2013, Pope Francis said: “We don’t hear Jesus speaking words of contempt, or condemnation, but only words of love and mercy.” In fact, mercy and forgiveness are characteristic Christian virtues that we can practice every day with all the brothers and sisters we meet.

Dialogue as lifestyle

Dialogue as lifestyle

Dal 31 agosto all’8 settembre 2022 si tiene a Karlsruhe (Germania) l’undicesima Assemblea del Consiglio Ecumenico delle Chiese (CEC). Il contributo del Movimento dei Focolari che è legato al CEC da una lunga storia di amicizia e collaborazione.

Chiara Lubich: follow the path of love, as Jesus did

Durante la IV Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù, svoltasi a Santiago di Compostela (Spagna) nel 1989, Chiara Lubich tenne un tema dal titolo “Gesù è la via”. Ne abbiamo scelto uno stralcio nel quale invita a tutti a mettere in azione la forza trasformatrice dell’amore come ha fatto Gesù stesso.

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