Focolare Movement


Teaching in the Paris periphery

The story of Maria, who teaches Italian language in one of Paris’ most violent neighbourhoods. Her meeting with the charism of Chiara Lubich inspired her approach to these at-risk youth .

Loppiano awaits Pope Francis

Loppiano awaits Pope Francis

Great expectations for the visit of Pope Francis, next 10 May. Interview with Daniele Casprini, one of the heads of the first town of the Focolare, which today counts about 1,000 inhabitants.

Easter even in Saigon

Easter even in Saigon

George, who has lived in South East Asia for 28 years, between Myanmar, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, spent Easter in Saigon. We publish the story he sent us.

Walking through the Judean desert

Walking through the Judean desert

An excursion by a group of adults and young people in a land which calls to mind the Holy Land. It’s one of many fund-raising initiatives organised in order to participate in the Genfest to be held in Manila.

At the School of Sharing

At the School of Sharing

The idea behind an English language school in Ireland, inspired by values of the Economy of Communion, is the desire to put first the quality of the relationships between students and teachers and to share the profits with a project in Bolivia.

United World: Let’s Show It!

United World: Let’s Show It!

Logo GenfestThis year’s Genfest, which will take place in Manila, Philippines, brings to mind its eighth edition held in 1995. Michelle Sopala, from USA, was among 12 thousand young people gathered at the Palaeur in Rome.

RomaAmor: Everyone’s city

Through a voluntary gesture of solidarity, Dino Impagliazzo, a member of the Focolare Movement, gave rise to RomAmor, an association dedicated to the care of homeless people. The initiative, which started out from the Tuscolana Station in Rome. has reached other points in the city, creating spaces of mutual love and solidarity.

New Facebook page in Portuguese

New Facebook page in Portuguese

Our new Facebook profile in Portuguese is online: Facebook em Português | @ As with other languages, the Facebook profile in Portuguese will also propose, every day, the "Thought for the Day", the Word of life, articles published on the site, but also...

2018 Winter Paralympic Games

At the closing of the Winter Olympics last 9 March in Pyeong Chang, a grand inaugural ceremony of the 12th edition of the Winter Paralympic Games was held, and which will last up to 18th. March. In accordance with the International Committee, the Paralympic Games are...

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