Together for Europe: a “Yes” to Creation
“Called to unity – Towards an ecology of relationships” was the title of the online workshop promoted by the Together for Europe (TFE) network. Representatives of various Churches, Movements and Communities organized the event, with the aim of highlighting one of the “7 Yeses” of the journey together: the “Yes to creation”.
Publication of Chiara Lubich’s Diaries from 1964-1980
Città Nuova publishing house, in collaboration with the Chiara Lubich Centre, recently published “Diario 1964 – 1980” by Chiara Lubich, edited by Fr. Fabio Ciardi, OMI.
Fazenda da Esperança: Loving is a choice
The Fazenda da Esperança is one of the 47 activities involved in the first phase of the next Genfest, in which young people will be invited to make a concrete commitment to some social organisations which are already operating in the various areas.
Margaret Karram: Genfest, grasp the opportunity
Message of Margaret Karram, President of the Focolare Movement, to all those who are preparing for the next Genfest 2024, the event of the Movement’s young people that will take place in Aparecida, Brazil, and in different parts of the world with various local Genfests.
As One: “It takes courage”
A song born from the concrete experience of some young people of the Focolare Movement who, by putting their talents together, were able to transform, into music and words, their desire to get stuck in, so as to make a difference.
Synodality and communication
Journalists, teachers, communication experts: an international workshop on the synodal path
In each present moment let the Risen Lord live in us
S’avvicina Pasqua, la più grande festa dell’anno, e con essa la Settimana Santa stracolma dei misteri più preziosi della vita di Gesù.
Chiara Lubich: New evangelisation
A passage from Chiara Lubich's speech in Rome, in 2000, during the XV World Youth Day, attended by over two million young people from all over the world. (Tor Vergata - Rome, 19 August 2000).
The challenge of listening and mutual learning
Msgr. Piero Coda, theologian, Secretary of the International Theological Commission, former Dean of Sophia University Institute, received an honorary degree from the Catholic University of Córdoba in Argentina.
Humanitarian Aid
Thanks to the donations of many people, it has been possible to implement interventions to alleviate the suffering of populations affected by natural disasters or wars.
Chiara Lubich: Brotherhood comes about only through a special love
Today, 14 March, the day we remember Chiara Lubich’s departure for Heaven, we publish some of her words, pronounced during the meeting of the Political Movement for Unity in Bern (Switzerland) on 4 September 2004. A reflection on the kind of ‘love’ necessary for universal fraternity to be possible.
Oikoumene – from all over the earth
The 40th Ecumenical Conference of Bishops friends of the Focolare Movement which took place in the historic city of Augsburg in Germany, ended on Friday, 1st March. There were 60 participants from 26 nations, representing 29 Christian Churches. “Dare to be One. A call from Jesus to live the future, now” was the title and even more the essence of the meeting.
Thought of the day
Trust others
Trust others