Focolare Movement
Building bridges at the Genfest

Building bridges at the Genfest

“A gathering of thousands of youths from every part of the world, from different ethnic groups, cultures and religions, moved by a common idea that is already a life experience and social action: to build a more united and inclusive world.”

This is the way the official newspaper of the Catholic Church describes this grand event organized by the youths of the Focolare Movement and already underway in the Hungarian capital. The Vatican newspaper also underscores the building of bonds of unity across the board and, in particular, “among groups and Movements, among Christians of different denominations and among faithful of different religions.” The journalist recalls how Chiara Lubich liked to describe the Genfest as a “Waterfall of God” whose source,” the Roman Observer article continues, “is the very inspirational spark of the Focolare Movement itself, the discovery of God who is Love.”

Leggi tutto l’articolo

Official Genfest website

Press Section (Servizio Informazione Focolare)

The Genfest at home

The Genfest at home

The Genfest enters your home: an explosion of colours, music and life going against the current will overwhelm every corner of the Earth, invading the internet with Twitter, mail, photos, extending the Arena in real time! Participate in the Genfest by launching yourself in the Budapest Arena through live streaming!

Here is the programme!

  • Friday 31 August:

7:30 pm   Hungarian welcome and an international concert in the arena (transmitted via internet)

  • Saturday 1 September:

10:30 am – 12:30 pm   programme in the arena (transmitted via internet)

3:30 – 5:00 pm   programme in the arena (transmitted via internet)

9:00 – 10:00 pm (approximately) flashmob on the Chain bridge (we’ll communicate via cell phones/mobiles, twitter, facebook, and maybe there will also be live streaming!!!!)

  • 2 September:

10:30 am:

In the square of the Basilica of Saint Stephen, in the city centre, a Catholic Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Péter Erdő, archbishop of Budapest.

At the same time, in the various Christian churches present in the city, there will be liturgical celebrations for members of the respective churches.

For the participants of other faiths and of non-religious convictions, there will be moments of sharing for them, which will take place in a place near the basilica.

12 noon:  final greeting and time-out for peace

(from 10:00 am to 12.30 pm, it will be transmitted by the Hungarian TV via satellite)

The Genfest throughout the world: organize yourself with your friends and bring the Genfest to your city! Join in the flashmob on the Chain bridge and send us your photos, pictures and mail from the bridge in your city! It will be a worldwide flashmob that will cry out to the world that universal brotherhood is already underway and begins from your home!

For further information write to:

The Genfest 2012 project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Genfest: An Observatory on Fraternity

Genfest: An Observatory on Fraternity

Project Logo

What future awaits us? This is the question being asked by millions of youths from Asia to theMiddle East who do not wish to just sit back and watch. The Genfest will be an opportunity for many of them to broaden their horizon beyond the civil wars and failed revolutions, global crises and a culture of fear – to make more daring proposals. One such proposal involves the formation of a research group that would examine whether fraternity, that “forgotten principle” of modern history would be able to influence both our individual and collective choices and decisions.

United World Project (UWP)is the name of a project that was created by the Focolare’s Youth For A United World ( and it is open to collaboration with all youth groups and international networks from other religions and cultures with whom it has cooperated on other topics in the past. According to the inspiring words of Chiara Lubich: “Fraternity can bring about freedom and equality in the city, and this consists in creating the conditions so that every person, every citizen, family, association, business and school can express its own personality and offer the best of itself.” It is up to the youth to translate this idea into concrete decisions. With the help of experts and other young professionals the project has already begun to take shape and will be carried out in three phases: Network, Watch (the observatory) and Workshop.

  • United World NETWORK: To form a worldwide network of youths who are asked to personally commit themselves by putting their signature to it. The goal will be to study the requirements for a culture of universal fraternity and for commitment to living the Golden Rule: Do to unto others as you would have them do unto you. This first phase of the project would begin during the Genfest, with the first gathering of signatures. It would continue until the launching of the next World Unity Week, 1 May 2013, when the Observatory will be formally established.
  • United World WATCH:The establishment of a permanent international Observatory to examine activities and projects that were capable of producing an “increase in the level of fraternity” in the social, economic, cultural and political fabric of the world. It will evaluate indicators of social cohesion, peace, acceptance and dialogue among people of different religions and culture, interdependence, recognition of rights, forgiveness and reconciliation, inclusion and integration, reduction in inequalities, respect for and awareness of the environment. . . The Observatory would also promote specific cultural activities.
  • United World WORKSHOP: The request to the UN that it recognize the international interests of the World Unity Week by confirming and expanding even more the annual event that for fifteen years it has seen the youths of the Focolare and others being committed to in spreading the word about universal fraternity. The process of recognition by the UN is already underway.

The United World Project is for all countries, but the continent ofAfrica holds a special place, since it has been welcoming the Youth For A United World’s ‘spaces of fraternity’ since the 1960’s. Through this common path and sharing in the suffering of others, they have acquired a strong sense of community, discovered new models for involvement and real change.

Ark Tabin from the Philippines belongs to a UWP work group. He is particularly involved with mapping out the various projects already underway in several countries which will serve as the basis for the observatory. In his city, for example, there is a nutrition programme for the poorest children and a clothing drive for hospital patients from distant villages. For him, his signature “does not only mean espousing an idea, but committing to living a better life, to looking around, to intervening. When you’ve signed our name, it means you want to get involved in changing the world beginning from your own corner of the world.”

The appointment is for 1 September 2012 where the gathering of signatures is to be part of the large Genfest event entitled Let’s Bridge,

More info at:

The logo made by a young Italian graphic artist, is composed of two circles. The interior circle – outlined in pencil – represents the world. The external circle – coloured in blue to signify the universality of Heaven – represents a protective mantle. Other religious or political meanings have been excluded.

The Genfest 2012 project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Genfest 2012: Are you ready to go?

Genfest 2012: Are you ready to go?


Why are you participating in the Genfest? Leandro: “It has always been my dream to participate at the Genfest. Finally, this dream can become a reality. I wish to make history and say: I was there too”. Paola: “I am convinced that it will be the tip of the iceberg of much life! Not a spot, but the expression of what is already there: a jigsaw puzzle of lives, very powerful, that will make me remember that I am not alone and will give all courage to continue to build a more  united world ”. Máté: “I got married last summer with Klari. The Genfest will be a special occasion to live also as a couple, together with many other youths and be a gift to each othe”. What does the title “Let’s Bridge” mean to you?


Leandro: “The building of relationships, channels of communication. It urges and puts in motion all the means that I have towards establishing a relationship, towards the other”. Paola: “powerful motion, endurance and hope!” Máté: “A bridge is very large and very difficult to build. This title urges me not to be afraid of difficulties: if I want to love and do my part, God will help me, like a supernatural professional engineer!” There are 2 months to go to the Genfest: how are you preparing for it and with whom will you attend?


Leandro: “During the Mass I ask God that all may be well, even in the preparations. We will be around 185 from the region of San Paolo”. Paola: “They are the most intense months, and my commitment is to not let any day pass without my speaking to someone about the Genfest and praying for it. I keep in mind however that the Genfest is not the aim. The objective is not to “make numbers”. Our priority is to love and love together…anyway it is the characteristic of our life as Gen”. Máté: “ I am preparing by seeking to love everyone, beginning by those close to me: Klari, my colleagues at work, my friends of the basketball team…”. What will be your survival kit on the days of the Genfest? Leandro: “Haversack, photo camera, something to eat, my mobile phone connected to the social networks, ( I want to tell everyone that I am at a meeting like this!) And many bottles of water!” Paola: “Well, I have not thought about this, yet!! I think that the understanding between all those with whom we have worked during these months to prepare for the Genfest, will be worth much more than a lot of words! Chiara Lubich used to say that nothing valid is built without sacrifice; and the memory of the days lived preparing together will help us when the moments of doubt arrive, and they will be our guarantee that we are all linked together”. Extracts from the interview published in the special edition of the Gen Journal no. 5-6, May-June 2012

The Genfest 2012 project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
The Genfest takes shape

The Genfest takes shape

For the first time, a year after the start of the work, 90 people in all, between authors, producers, choreographers, costume designers, technicians, artistic directors and organizing members, put together the single pieces developed by each section for Genfest 2012.

Now the programme is clear, foreseeing three days that will include a variety of activities. From a concert to the sharing of projects and experiences, from moments of prayer to a Flashmob, to the launching of the United World Project, all focused on the title of the event: “Let’s bridge!” – to activities that will actively engage those who attend in building bridges of fraternity among people.   

The 12,000 seats available are practically sold out. Even if the majority of the participants come from Europe, they are also coming from the most varied places: for example, 2 young people are coming from Madagascar and 180 from the USA and Canada, 160 from Korea, 180 from Argentina and over 250 from the Middle East. The cost for those coming from countries with more economic means has been increased to permit the lowering of costs for those who are coming from countries with less means.


* FRIDAY, 31 AUGUST – Welcome to the 12,000 participants on the large square of the Sports Arena with stands, artistic performances and a sports area. The evening programme will take place inside the Arena with a concert:

  • 21 original songs, chosen out of 70 songs composed by young people the world over for the competition promoted by Genfest 2012;
  •  6 bands, coming from Argentina, Burundi, Costa Rica, Jordan, Italy and Portugal, will play their own songs;
  •  1 band formed for the occasion, with members from Austria, Brazil, Korea, Philippines, Italy and Slovakia, will play for the interpreters of the other songs.
  •  On a stage, in the middle of the audience, a DJ will alternate with the programme, with new remixes of the songs from the 9 previous Genfests.


  • During the day, at the Arena, the different phases of constructing a bridge will be followed: “Why?” “Take the Measurements,” “Dig into the Ground,” “Build Solid Pillars,” “Reach the Other Side,” “Many Ways” .
  • Then the United World Project will be launched, a wide-ranging project in three phases,  with the final goal to promote the creation of a worldwide Permanent Observatory on universal brotherhood and to have it be recognized by the UN.
  • In the evening, there will be a march to the Danube River, which will conclude with a Flashmob on the Chain Bridge; the actors will be the 12,000 participants.

* SUNDAY, 2 SEPTEMBER – In the square of the Basilica of Saint Stephen, in the city centre, a Catholic Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Péter Erdő, archbishop of Budapest. At the same time, in the various Christian churches present in the city, there will be liturgical celebrations for members of the respective churches. For the participants of other faiths and of non-religious convictions, there will be moments of sharing for them, which will take place in a place near the basilica.

There will be 3 hosts of the Genfest, according to the 3 official languages: a Hungarian young man, an Italian young man and a Kenyan English-speaking young woman. All the talks will be given in one’s own language, thanks to simultaneous translation via radio in 27 languages.

See you in Budapest! Will you be there?

Info: www.genfest.orgArea Stampa


The Genfest 2012 project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.