Focolare Movement
Participation of young people is crucial for the future

Participation of young people is crucial for the future

David Sassoli, President of the European Parliament, spoke on 7 May 2021 at the opening  of the International Forum “DareToCare”, the central event of United World Week 2021.  The President of the European Parliament, David Sassoli, spoke to a group of young people at the opening of the International Forum “DareToCare-Osare prendersi cura” in Brussels, Belgium. “Caring is a beautiful concept – a beautiful image – it is the goal of politics. Politics can have no other goal than to care for people, to care for communities and to care for cities. I believe that this project is  a real sign of hope for the future.” The young people who spoke to the President are following courses in international relations, politics, peace studies and  communication in Italy, the Czech Republic, Poland, Belgium, Colombia, Hungary and Rwanda. Their questions to the President focused on issues such as democracy, Europe’s accession to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, reception, integration and humanitarian corridors and the climate crisis. “We know that politics can do many things,” Sassoli said, “but it certainly cannot achieve much without active citizens and, especially, young people. Therefore, at this very difficult time, if we want to think about and prepare for the challenges of the future, the participation of young people is decisive and important.” The International Forum that opened in Brussels is part of the United World Week 2021, the event promoted in the first week of May by the Youth for a United World of the Focolare Movement. Each year, a continent is chosen to host and prepare the central event. This time it was Europe’s turn. And Brussels, capital of the European Union, is at the heart of the events broadcast via the web. The Forum began at the Atomium, the monument which is the symbol of Brussels and was erected for the Universal Exhibition held in the Belgian capital in 1958. Prophetically, the theme of that Expo was ‘For a more humane world’. It was here, at the heart of Europe, the young promoters of the “DareToCare” campaign spoke of  their commitment to ensure that in the world there is more care, more inclusion and more fraternity.  They also launched their appeal for a world that respects the dignity of all human beings and respects the identity of each people and community. Rita, Febe and Johnny, young people of different ethnicities from Belgium and Luxemburg presented a brief history of the development of the “DaretoCare” campaign since its launch in June 2020:  this included testimonies and details of various actions and initiatives that have taken place in all five continents. Burundi, El Salvador, Myanmar, Italy and Colombia featured in this virtual tour of the world:  in these places, people have found the most diverse ways to care for their communities and countries, to live out political commitment and active citizenship. Then, the young people of Porto, Portugal, involved in the “Daretocare” campaign were able to inform European leaders, gathered in their city for a Social Summit, about the “Appeal to Care”. The text includes the following: “On behalf of all those involved in the #daretocare campaign, we ask EU leaders gathered in our country this weekend – and leaders from around the world – to answer our call and ‘dare to care’. […] To strengthen social rights across Europe, […] that the Conference on the Future of Europe should have the goal of  uniting the peoples of Europe, putting care at the heart of this European project and ensuring that the Covid-19 vaccine becomes a vaccine for all, a global common good shared by all across all borders.”

Tamara Pastorelli

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New Humanity at the UNESCO

New Humanity at the UNESCO

Chantal_Grevin_UNESCOWithin the framework of the 39th UNESCO General Conference, which at the end of two years reunited the Organisation’s 195 members last 4 November in Paris, Dr. Chantal Grevin, representative of New Humanity, presented some good practices against violent extremism. In her speech, Dr. Grevin evidenced the commitment of the Youth for a United World (juvenile section of New Humanity) and in particular the “United World Week” event during which the youths of New Humanity meet and exhibit the various actions aimed at promoting universal brotherhood. For some years now, such actions have been gathered in a specific dossier, already presented before various national UNESCO commissions. At the end, the New Humanity director acted as spokesman for the numerous International NGOs, the International Catholic Office for Infancy and the International Catholic Office for education, that have asked the UN to recognise the “United World Week” and other similar initiatives that aim to promote Art. 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common legacy for the building of a global citizenship.   Read the entire article

Towards Genfest 2018

Towards Genfest 2018

Genfest_dWorld Trade Centre Metro in Manila, Philippines, 6-8 July 2018. The meeting is for thousands of young people from all over the world, motivated by an idea, almost a fixation, which shapes their lives and all their social projects: building a just and united world. The Genfest 2018, Beyond all borders, is an invitation to let the barriers, borders, and limits which stand in the way of this goal, crumble. The Genfest began in 1973 with an idea from Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement, and in more than 40 years it has gathered together tens of thousands of young people. The Genfest of 2018 will be the eleventh edition, and the first to be outside of Europe. In its long history, each Genfest has been an important step and has seen many projects come to life: among these is the idea for the World Youth Days, begun in 1985; in the same year, the birth of the Youth for a United World (YFUW); the World Unity Week, active since 1996, to showcase the initiatives which promote unity, at all levels, in the world; and finally, since 2012, the United World Project, a permanent observatory of all good practices on a planetary level. This Genfest will just precede the Synod on young people, which will be held in October 2018. Meeting with the organizers, present at this time at Castelgandolfo (Rome) for the meeting of the delegates of the Focolare Movement from all over the world, we have gathered some “first-hand” news. Ding Dalisay represents the Philippines at this assembly: “To our great joy, we have received the support of the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, who encourages us to work to bring the Genfest to as many young people as possible. For some time now the youth of the Philippines have been touring in caravans to present the Genfest in parishes, universities, and other places. We have great hope that many young people will come.” Carlo Gentile, delegate of the Philippines along with Ding: “It will be the first Genfest in Asia, so it will be a very important multicultural event. Chiara Lubich called the Genfest a “cascade of God.” We can expect a wonderful event that has been prepared for all the youth from Asia, but also the whole world; a profound experience, immersed in the Asian culture. RisshoKoseiKaiA worldwide mobilization has already begun. There are many contacts with other Movements, for example with the youth of the Rissho Kosei-kai, a Japanese Buddhist lay association, with six million followers, and with the Youth World Peace Forum, which will celebrate its own annual meeting in Manila during the same time period as the Genfest. In some parts of the world, smaller Genfest activities are being planned with local initiatives. A committee of 30 young people, representatives of different geographical areas of the world, with the coordination of the international secretariat of the Youth for a United World, is already at work. Kiara Cariaso and Diego Lopez explain: “We are working to bring young people from all over the world to the Genfest in Manila. There are already many activities, not only in the Philippines, because it will be a planetary event which we build together.” “In fact,” continues Diego, “we are gathering ideas that come from young people from all countries, we work together, and we send them to the Philippines.” They explain: “The 2018 Genfest will take place is three phases: the first, preceding the rally, with the possibility for many youth from various parts of the world to get to know the Asian cultures. It will be a unique intercultural, interreligious, and social experience, which will take place in different Asian countries. Following this, the central event in Manila, from 6 to 8 July, in which we want youth from every part of the world to be able to participate, so that each person’s situation will be made present, but at the same time each person will bring back to their own community their experience and the commitment they made in Manila. Finally, a “post Genfest,” especially for the Asian young people, which will allow them to testify to a “United Asia for a United World.” This will be a great experience for 800 young people in the Focolare small town of Tagaytay.” Offical site: