Focolare Movement
Towards Genfest: a path of synodality

Towards Genfest: a path of synodality

On Jan. 18, 2024, some young people from various countries from the International Center of the Focolare Movement, accompanied by their leaders, visited the Youth Office of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life to present the upcoming Genfest. A very enriching meeting was held on January 18 by some young people of various nationalities from the International Center of the Focolare Movement at the Youth Office of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. They were welcomed by Father João Chagas, head of the Office, Gleison De Paula Souza, secretary of the Dicastery, and the whole team. The objective of this meeting was to present the upcoming Genfest, the world event promoted by the youth of the Focolare Movement, which will be held in July 2024 in Brazil and will also involve other Latin American countries in the first phase. “During this meeting we had the opportunity to share our most important personal experiences in view of Genfest 2024,” Mariane (Brazil) tells us. Moreover,” she continues, “I perceived that we were in a welcoming environment that reflected the diversity and interculturality that also characterizes us at the International Focolare Center. “It was my first time attending a meeting at the Vatican,” says Sole, representing the youths of Asia. “Previously I thought the Church was serious and authoritative. Instead, I was struck by this desire to listen to the voices of young people.” The young people, after introductions and initial moments of exchange, were able to discuss various topics with those present. “The members of the Office, together with Fr. Chagas, told us about the work done for World Youth Day (WYD) held in 2023 in Lisbon (Portugal),” says Maria José (Venezuela), “and invited us to tell what the experience was like for those of us who were able to participate. Finally, we talked about our work for Genfest in its different phases. What struck me most was feeling the family atmosphere. They expressed their great confidence in the project we are pursuing. We are aware that there are challenges, but this is also a richness that invites us to move forward.” “Juntos para cuidar” (Together to care) is the theme chosen for the upcoming Genfest, and it was precisely the concept of “togetherness,” of “synodality,” that became a point of great reflection during this meeting. “During this dialogue,” David (Venezuela) recounts, “Secretary Gleison De Paula Souza mentioned the Gospel of Mark (cf. Mk. 10:46-52), in which the blind Bartimaeus is mentioned. He used this biblical passage to talk about synodality, about going to those who are rejected to welcome them and make them feel loved. I had the feeling that God was saying, ‘This is the path we must follow. Moreover, I think that, every day, we can meet people who are inspired by the Holy Spirit and, as a Church, we have to be open to listen to everything that comes from outside as well. This is synodality for me.” In her experience, however, Masha (Russia) who belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church, synodality is walking together in diversity without fear: “It is going out to meet the other, finding a common language, the one that comes directly from each person’s heart; it is going out to meet a brother or sister of a different denomination, a non-believer, but without effort. Only with the desire to witness and go. There will be no future if we do not make this journey together.” At the conclusion of this moment, Father João Chagas, head of the Office expressed his joy for this moment of such a participatory and lively exchange, a moment that enriched him personally. We share in the following video some impressions about it and his best wishes for the upcoming Genfest.

Maria Grazia Berretta

Watch the video (activate English subtitles)

Patriarch Bartholomew’s message to the Genfest

Patriarch Bartholomew’s message to the Genfest

MESSAGE By His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Youth for a United World International Genfest 2018: Beyond All Borders (Manila, July 6-8, 2018)

“It is with particular joy that we greet all of you, the participants of the 11th edition of the Genfest held in Manila, entitled “Beyond All Borders”, which has as its aim the opening of the young hearts and minds of tomorrow’ s future generation. Know that we commend your initiative and desire to gather together and share your blossoming ideas in order to surpass social and persona} boundaries; for, it is only through a spirit of solidarity, respect and mutual understanding that these obstacles will be overcome and cease to be a cause for division and conflict among the people of our world. As you embark on this journey to address these issues and strive for worldwide unity and peaceful coexistence-always, of course, remaining united in your own noble aspirations and the bond of common action and witness, which certainly hold a promise for a better future, we encourage you to remain steadfast in the vision of this gathering and to remember as well as promote the message of the foundress of the Focolare Movement, the late Chiara Lubich. With prayer and goodwill as the “waterfall of God”, all things will be accomplished and transfigured ! With these words of wholehearted congratulation, we invoke upon all of you the infinite grace and mercy of Almighty God, and remain with much love.”

At the Ecumenical Patriarchate, the 6th of July, 2018


+ BARTHOLOMEW Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch

Download pdf of Patriarch Bartholomew’s message

Genfest 2018: “from I to us”

Genfest 2018: “from I to us”

Defending borders, enforcing rejection, alliances between states to protect national identities and economies, restrictions to control migratory flows. What is behind these key-words? “Very often building some sort of fence or having an attitude of safe keeping stems from fear” – explains Maria Voce, president of the Focolari. “Yet, this does not seem to be the definite solution for young people. Instead they believe that borders are horizons, points of departure, an enriching diversity”. This is why the Focolari Youth have opted for the important theme of borders – hence the title “Beyond all borders” – for their next world event that will be held in Manila from 6 to 8 July. . They want to invite for a brave change of outlook on peoples, cultures and economies. They claim that a radical change is needed in such times of exasperation of particularisms and social closures. Born in 1973 from an idea of Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolari, the Genfest arrives at its eleventh edition; for the first time it will be held outside Europe. It will take place in the capital city of the Philippines from 6 to 8 July and 6,000 young people, aged 18 to 30 years, are expected to attend. Thousands of others will participate in the other 23 local editions that are being prepared. “We chose Asia because six out every ten young people in the world live there” – says Kiara Lauren, a Filipina,who is one of the Youth for a United World, promoters of the event. “Despite its socio-economic problems and differnces, this continent speaks to the world about hope and desire for change. We do not recognize ourselves in this international geo-political context that quite often sacrifices whole peoples for the sake of some élite. We would like individuals and our nations to look beyond their personal, cultural, religious and political boundaries, to meet others and let themselves be contaminated by diversity.The Genfest will be a unique laboratory in the world: those who will take part in it will find the necessary instruments to change themselves and their environment. As Pope Francis augured during his recent visit to Loppiano, they will be able to change “I” into “we”. The programme: sharing and working A lot of space will be given to exp eriences: the joint effort of young Americans and Mexicans on the border between their two countries; gestures of help and reconciliation in situations of conflict in Africa and the Middle East; supporting and welcoming people that live in refugee camps; commitment to a new way of doing politics, dialogue between different religions, etc. On July 7, in the afternoon, the Genfest is proposing the activity: Hands forHumanity. Those present will be able to partcipate in any one of 12 activities of solidarity and urban redevelopment that will be organized in different parts of Manila. Through these activities one can find out that small gestures can bring change and also have the opportunity to collect imitable ideas that can be exported to one’s own country. Explo and Forum: learn and experience peace Then, there is the Explo, an acronym composed by the words “Exposition” and Exploration”: this is an interactive exhibition that leads the visitor through an immersive sensorial experience of the history of humanity, from the perspective of universal fraternity: “So it is not the history we know” – says Erika Ivacson, a Hungarian artist, curator of the exhibition – “made of wars, conquests, armistices. Instead, we will relate what has made humanity progress from the point of view of peace, of friendship between individuals, peoples and cultures. The last stage will be entirely dedicated to the question: and what can I do? “. There will be 110 forums and workshops on key issues about the construction of open and supportive societies: from urban cleaning techniques and care of the territory, to social enterprise forms, to the management of personal and political conflicts, to the use of social media for peace, and much more. Follow the Genfest It will be possible to follow the live streaming, broadcast in English with translations in French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish through the Youth for a United World website: Timetable live streaming (Manila time, UTC/GMT +8 ore): 6 July: 16-18:30 e 20-21:45 7 July: 17:45-18:45 e 20-21:45 8 July: 10:30-13 Social media regarding the event: Facebook: o @genfest Twitter: o @genfest_en Instagram: Youtube: genfest-official or Genfest Programme Press Office Stefania Tanesini Cell. +63 9664661016 Whatsapp +39 338 5658244