Focolare Movement
Genfest 2018 in Asia

Genfest 2018 in Asia

Genfest2018Born from the determination to redesign a new geography that targets the bringing down of personal and planetary limits and fences, the world march of the Gen and Youth for a United World towards the 11th edition of the GenFest will be held from 6 – 8 July 2018 in Manila (Philippines). The central program will be held at the Metro Manila World Trade Center, while all the workshops will be held at the De La Salle Universityand other universities. It will be entitled “BEYOND ALL BORDERS.” Asia will thus be the continent of the future and of the youth who will host this convention. According to the data of the U. S. Census Bureau, three billion youths in the world are below 25 years of age and 60% of these live in Asia. And so, almost half of the Asian population (over 4 billion people) are under 25. “It is clear that the event could not but be held in our continent,” explained Kiara Cariaso, a Filipino and member of the organizing team. “We want the world to see not only the network of projects, camps, solidarity actions, support to lawfulness, and “no” to war and armaments, but also the solitude, abandonment and superficial relationships which millions of youth scattered around the world are already engaged in.” Aleppo, Bethlehem, Turunga, Mumbai: Genfest 2018 has been launched in various cities around the world. “Also this time the Genfest will be a milestone, essential to the journey towards a united world,” Maria Guaita and Marco De Salvo of the United World Youth’s central secretariat explained, “to share the ongoing endeavours for unity and peace, and also to gain strength and courage from one another. Many of the youths live in territories of war, conflict and social distress. This is the frontline where many have chosen to start changing the world.” “We are working various fronts: we are in the peripheries, but we engage in education, sport and solidarity,” pointed out Rafael Tronquini, Brazilian, of the Genfest Marketing Team – who has been in Manila for 5 months now, “We want to be there where we see the needs and hear our people’s cries for help at all latitudes. We could summarise the Genfest logo with the motto: ‘less is more’. There are infinite challenges and barriers but what matters is to overcome them together and take one step ahead towards unity.”

Genfest 2018, Philippines

Genfest 2018, Philippines

Logo GenfestA project that is already a real life experience, an invitation to build bridges of brotherhood and contribute to the tearing down of barriers of indifference, prejudice and selfishness. Begun in 1973 from an idea of Chiara Lubich, foundress of the Focolare Movement, the Genfest is a gathering of young people from across the globe. The 11th edition of Genfest will be held in Manila. The Genfest has turned out to be a festival of ideas and projects that inspire thousands of young people from different ethnic groups, cultures and religions to change and point their lives towards ideals of brotherhood and a united world. The main event will be held in the World Trade Centre Metro Manila, while all the workshops will be held at De La Salle University. BEYOND ALL BORDERS is the title of the next Genfest, which underscores the frontiers to be overcome both personally and as a society in order to build a happier and more united world, to breathe, love, work and live with an open and inclusive vision. The program will include musical and artistic performances, forums and expos. The Genfest’s logo can be summed up in one word: essential. “Less is more.” In a world where communications and information is too much, the message from Manila will be marked by simplicity and the power that every word can bring to the world. Therefore, the Genfest logo is made of only three letters and a simple line underneath the title. A stark symbol that calls us to beyond the borders, to underscore the only thing that matters in life: reaching out to everyone and moving together toward universal brotherhood. Contact us: Registration will begin from October 2017 Source: Y4UW International

Benedict XVI greets the 1,700 young people who had attended Genfest 2012

Benedict XVI greets the 1,700 young people who had attended Genfest 2012

Watch Telepace TV transmission – The Holy Father’s greeting to the young people

There were 1,700 young people from forty-one nations at the Wednesday audience, but they were there representing 12,000 youths who had attended the Genfest (31 August – 2 September), an international event promoted by the Focolare Movement, entitled “Let’s bridge,” that is, “Let’s build bridges.” During the English language greetings the Pope turned to the young people of the Focolare Movement, appealing to them: “You have taken to heart Christ’s call to promote unity in human family, by courageously building bridges.” Then the Holy Father added: “Therefore, I encourage you: be strong in your Catholic faith; and let the simple joy, the pure love, and the profound peace that come from the encounter with Jesus, make you radiant witnesses of the Good News before the young people of your own lands. God bless all of you abundantly!”

The Pope had already sent them a message to them during the Genfest. Now, as he spoke to them in person, the young people returning from Budapest waved the colourful ribbons and scarfs that they had been waving during their march through the streets of Hungary with a flash mob on the Chain Bridge. At the conclusion of the audience, a small delegation of four youths – from Mexico, Iraq and Pakistan – were invited to personally greet the Pope on behalf of the 12,000 young people from the Genfest. They offered Benedict XVI the Genfest CD with songs of the young performers from around the world.

The Focolare youth are now attending a course at the Mariapolis Centre in Castelgandolfo and in Sassone, Italy, which will conclude on Sunday, 9 September. This course will examine the topic of “fraternity”, which was the theme of the Budapest event. They will also discuss how to bring forward the United World Project that was begun in Budapest. And it will create a permanent international observatory that will look into initiatives and projects that have actually been able to generate an “increase in fraternity”. The observatory will also promote the “category of fraternity” through specific cultural activities. Then they will consider the request to the UN of recognizing the international interest of World Unity Week by confirming and expanding this annual event that has been being held by the Focolare young people – and others – for fifteen years with the intention of giving a voice to “universal brotherhood”.

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Watch the video of the audience (excerpt from the live coverage at TV di Telepace).

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