Focolare Movement

Paul VI: Saint among young people

Oct 14, 2018

Pope Montini is to be proclaimed a Saint during the Bishops’ Synod on Young People so the words he addressed to the new generation of the Focolare, the Gen, gathered in Rome in the Holy Year of 1975 are prophetic: “Be faithful and coherent”. Here are a few passages from his talk.

YOUNG GEN! We welcome you with great joy as sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, friends! […] To search is really part of being a young person. Once the eyes of consciousness have opened on the world around us, curiosity is aroused in the souls of young people: they want to know, they want to try above anything else, and they want to attempt. Search, but for what? […] You, the young people of our times, you already have a negative answer, an almost rebellious answer in your hearts: we don’t want, you say, a world that presents itself to use like this! It’s a strange phenomenon: a world that offers you the most beautiful, the most perfect, the most enjoyable fruits of contemporary civilisation, doesn’t satisfy you, doesn’t please you. You benefit from the achievements, the comforts, the wonders placed at your disposal by modern progress. Yet a sense of criticism, protest and even nausea stops your search in this direction. This is a direction that takes you out of yourselves, an alienation because at the basis, it is a materialistic, hedonistic and selfish direction. It does not fully satisfy the soul. It does not completely resolve the important and personal problems of life. […] You have made a different choice. This is why you are called Gen, new generation. It is before all else a liberating choice, liberating from the passive conformism that affects so many young people of our times… At the basis of your psychology is a personal and sovereign act of free determination. The choice of Christ. […] Jesus Christ has crossed your path; and this is why you are here. Yes, the meeting with Him, Jesus Christ. But who is Jesus Christ? What an infinite question! […] Well: first, in Himself, Christ is the word of God made man; Christ is for us the Saviour of humanity. Two oceans: the Jesus Christ’s divinity, and Jesus Christ’s mission in the world. […] It seems to us that you, Focolarini, have faced this dual problem: Who is He, Christ? And Who is He, Christ, for us? And now the fire of light, enthusiasm, action, the gift of self and joy has been lit within you, and with a newfound inner fullness you have understood everything, God, yourselves, your life, people, our times, the central direction to take for the whole of your existence. Yes, this is the solution, this is the key, this is the formula, ancient and eternal, and when it is discovered, new. You have intuited it, and you have, rightfully, given your movement the definition of ‘New Generation’, Gen! So, dear Young Gen! Encounter, know, love, follow Jesus Christ! This is your program. This is the synthesis of your spirituality which you, by celebrating the Jubilee of the Holy Year, wish to reaffirm in your consciences and translate into life. With two conclusions. The first, in order to condense the secret of your Movement in a central and mature thought try always to have Jesus as Teacher. And then the second conclusion, that we likewise listen to the words spoken by Jesus the Teacher: ‘You are all brothers and sisters’. Have the wisdom and courage to reach this conclusion which is the root of Christian social teaching. It is often disconcerting to observe how many claiming to be those who follow the Gospel are incapable of deducing from the Gospel itself a social teaching based on love. […] You, the new Generation, are faithful and coherent. If you have chosen Christ as your Master, have faith in Him and in the Church which leads and presents Him to you. Demonstrate with actions the realizing force of charity and social love, established by the Master. It will be an experience, yes, a new one, one which generates a better and more just world. It will be a strong experience; demanding resistance, sacrifice, maybe even heroism; it will demand that you too are the robust and willing Cyrenians who offer their own backs to support the Cross of Jesus. Yes, you should also suffer with Him, as Him, for Him! But do not be afraid, Gen! Be sure! You will have operated your salvation and that of our modern world. And just as you are today, you will always be good and happy!”


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