Holy Thursday: this reflection on today’s solemnity is taken from a homily prepared by the bishop, philosopher and theologian, Klaus Hemmerle (1929–1994), for Holy Thursday 1993. If the disciples see in Jesus the great and powerful God on high, they will not find him. They have to bow right down, And look into the dust; Jesus is there, washing his followers feet. Self-giving, humiliation, service, taking ordinary human needs seriously, becoming small, denying self, the harshness of being exhausted, being modest, being hidden: all this, which has nothing to do with divine splendor, is the splendor of the true God, is the inner core of our worship of God, is the Eucharist.
Klaus Hemmerle
(Klaus Hemmerle, Gottes Zeit-unsere Zeit, München, 2018, p. 65 – editor’s translation)