Focolare Movement

Scotland: Giving unity wings

Mar 16, 2017

An open lesson on Christian-Muslim dialogue at the University of Glasgow, brought about by a deep friendship between the Sophia University Institute and the Islamic Centre of Great Britain

20170316-05The University of Glasgow, founded in 1451, is one of Scotland’s four ancient universities. In this prestigious place, which educated seven future Nobel winners and heard Albert Einstein demonstrate his theory of relativity, the Focolare Movement and the Islamic society Ahl Al Bait organized an open lesson on interfaith dialogue and unity on 27 February. The evening was entitled “Unity in God and unity of God”. It featured a renowned figure of the Shiite world, Dr. Mohammad Ali Shomali, director of the International Institute of Islamic Studies at Qum, Iran, who currently is at the helm of the Islamic Centre of Great Britain. There was also Professor Paulo Frizzi, teacher of theology and the practice of interreligious dialogue at the Sophia University Institute at Loppiano, near Florence, Italy, where he coordinates the Sophia Global Studies research and training center. The following day, Dr Shomali was to lead a discussion before members of the Scottish Parliament. 20170316-01The longstanding friendship between Sophia University Institute and the Shiite academic brought about a dialogue and research project last summer that involved a group of Christian and Muslim scholars, with the suggestive title “Wings of Unity.” “I presented the methodology and atmosphere that our institute promotes, where we work with an academic approach that is integrated, where experience and application is placed alongside the theory,” explains Frizzi. “For example, a course on interreligious dialogue is taught by three of us with different academic backgrounds and experience, yet we try to develop a common program through reciprocal listening, sort of a journey of unity in which we co-teach the lessons and the students play a lead role.” 20170316-03Wings of Unity, explains the Sophia professor, provides a physical space to dialogue, where on one hand students can deepen their understanding of what “unity in God and of God” means, clarifying elements of difference and those held in common. On the other, they can explore the ways in which unity can be tangibly lived, healing wounds and resolving differences. “Too often interfaith initiatives only touch on the questions of the few, without a tangible impact. This is a delicate moment we live in, and we have to take into account the transition towards an uncertain new world order, where greater interconnectivity and interdependence sit alongside painful divisions that fracture the unity of society. Globalization has probably failed in its attempt to build sustainable community, as multinational institutions fail to guarantee a safe space where cultures and religions can meet without the risk of losing themselves. “This may be true, but on the other hand there is experience, commitment and dialogue welling up that, in contrast, enriches neighborhoods and unifies communities. It begins deep down and helps us all think once again of unity amid diversity.” As Pope Francis states in Evangelii Gaudium, dialogue happens in a world that is not a pyramid (where some are at the top over many others) nor a sphere (without any distinguishable sides), but instead multifaceted, where all parts converge together while maintaining its own individuality. 2017-03-16-02Dr Shomali intervenes with some words about identity: “If we reflect on how religions developed, we realize that one question has always been present: How can we keep people together, convincing them that, if we stay in the circle, we are better off?” The concept of identity caused us to distance ourselves from each other, in as much as we expressed not “who we are,” but rather “who we are not” – a model of identity based on fear and exclusion. If it ever worked in the past, it was because the world was quite segmented, without great opportunities to meet as people of different faiths, ethnic groups or cultures. This is no longer the case in a world in which identity is more fragile and nuanced. Because of this, holds the Shiite scholar: “We need a new understanding based on what we can offer and what we can appreciate in others. To relate is essential. I cannot be a good Muslim or Christian – or a good Iranian or Scot – if I don’t know how to relate with others and include them in my identity.” The very concept of identity, therefore, needs a rethink. “The human body has different organs, each with its own function. None of these, moreover, survives on its own.” He concluded: “When I read the Quran, I see that this is God’s plan. In his creation and revelation, God showed us the way toward unity.”


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