Focolare Movement

The Church rejuvenates in the power of the Gospel

Jun 15, 2016

Published on June 14, 2016, Invenescit Ecclesia, on the relationship between hierarchical and charismatic gifts for the life and mission of the Church. An incentive for the Focolare Movement.

20160615-01The letter entitled Iuvenescit Ecclesia, signed by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Ludwig Müller, and by the Archbishop Secretary, Luis Ladaria, approved by Pope Francis, is addressed to the bishops of the Catholic Church and deals with the “relation between hierarchical and charismatic gifts for the life and mission of the Church.” The Letter is inserted in the Church’s journey beyond itself, in this new phase of history and is a joyful incentive for the new lay Movements and also the Focolare Movement which is an ecclesial Movement. That mutual exchange between hierarchical and charismatic gifts, which the Letter discusses, fully expresses the experience of the Focolare from its beginnings until now. The Focolare is immersed in that wave of movements raised up by the Holy Spirit for the renewal of the Church in synergy with its Bishops, as the then Cardinal Ratzinger stated in May 1998 in preparation for the 2000 Jubilee. Iuvenescit Ecclesia is a further incentive for the Focolare Movement to correspond with authenticity to the co-essentiality between hierarchical gifts and charismatic gifts that St John Paul II spoke of, in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. Today, such co-essentiality seems more than ever necessary for the life and mission of the Church as it serves the human family – with its needs, wounds and demands – so that we can work for that challenging but realistic goal of building the civilization of love. Read the Vatican document Source: Focolare Information Service


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