Focolare Movement

The family, an irreplaceable resource for society

Sep 13, 2015

Often the cause of heated discussions, the family is studied and analysed from different and contrasting viewpoints. On the eve of the Synod, we would like to offer some food for thought, through the words of Igino Giordani, a great advocate of the family.

The document that will guide the sessions of the Synod of the Family in the Vatican from 4 to 25 October, cites: «still today, the family remains and will always remain as the fundamental and irreplaceable pillar of social life. In fact, in the family multiple differences coexist, through which relationships are established, and grow in the confrontation and mutual acceptance between generations. This is why the family represents a founding value and a resource for the harmonic development of every human society as affirmed by the Council: “The family is a school of a richer humanity […], and the fundament of society.” ( GS,52 )». IginoGiordani-aThe importance of the family and the spouses are thus underlined. To this regard Igino Giordani wrote:«The spouses have an explosive mission in the reform of society, and endow marriage with its original value as a generator of life – due to the sacrament – of both body and soul: the value of the most suitable tool that can revive the soul of society, to bridge the world and the Church». At another point, Giordani explains how the family implements this role: «The family does not retreat within itself, as in a fort, but expands like a cell that lives inasmuch as it co-exists with its brethren. From this communion which implies the obligations of apostolates, charity and justice towards society, we can see the extensiveness of the spiritual and social tasks of marriage.» Giordani continues to underline how only the family in its form and constitution can generate society and the Church: «The new society is born, from the natural and sacred source of the family, the human and divine features of which are briefly delineated in the Gospel. The family, structured according to Christian concepts, gives rise to the Church and the State, the city of God and the city of man: a dual citizenship that brings about the full maturation of the life of redeemed humanity.» Thus a fundamental bond unites society and the family. «Society today needs the family for its rebirth. Otherwise, it is doomed to a catastrophic future, because the maxim of love and unity is no longer put into practice.» Edited by the Igino Giordani Centre Excerpts from: Igino Giordani, La rivoluzione cristiana/The Christian Revolution, Città Nuova Rome, 1969; Igino Giordani, Family, Society, New City Publishers, Rome, 1990; Igino Giordani, Letter, 1967; Igino Giordani, Speech for the New Families 1974.


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