Focolare Movement

The Gospel lived: “Lord, it is good for us to be here” (Mt. 17:4)

Aug 16, 2024

The Gospels tell how the disciples experienced unforgettable experiences of joy and light with Jesus and how they treasured them, drawing strength from them in times of difficulty. We too may have experienced with wonder and excitement God's presence and action in our lives. It gives us joy to discover His intervention of Love in our daily lives. This is what happened in Peru in a center that has been working for years in welcoming and accompanying migrants coming especially from Venezuela.

At the right time

One day a co-worker of our center had received a gift of a pair of new sports shoes size 43. But who could have possibly needed them? That same day we learn that a 14-year-old boy we know really needed those shoes and that size! He is the son of a friend who was in the hospital at that time. Her other daughter had also visited our center that day and we had learned that they needed clothes and medicine. She made us understand that she is in need of a cell phone to keep in touch with her mother in the hospital. And…we had received one (a phone) a few days earlier! It is impressive to see how there is always “Someone” who provides us with just those ad hoc things which we can then donate!

A bed in two minutes

We were at the final goodbyes of a Sunday spent “as a family” (so to speak because we were surrounded by hundreds of people) with activities to raise funds for our youth. A Venezuelan friend among the first people I met years ago had introduced me to an 18-year-old young man – Jesús. He had told me some of what he had experienced having left Venezuela alone at the age of 16. Two years of adventures, enough to make an action film, with many moments of suspense. For 15 days he had been in Peru. Talking with him I discovered that he was sleeping on a mat on the floor! Diligently he had planned with his first paycheck (he had in fact found a job in Peru immediately) to solve the problem of documents and then think about the bed. At that time I had no solutions, but we promised to stay in touch. Shortly after saying goodbye to him I met one of our co-workers who, without knowing anything about Jesus’ needs, asked me, “So what do we do with that bed?” “But how? Do you still have it?” I was surprised. “Yes!” he said to me. I immediately called back Jesús who was leaving the Center. He joined us immediately, and upon hearing that there was already a bed for him, very strong was the light I saw in his eyes. It had not been two minutes since I had told him that I would try to find a solution!

Free ultrasound scans

Many of the migrants who arrive at our center need medical care and sometimes even diagnostic tests. Recently, another blessing from Heaven occurred: a medical center near us offered us the possibility of performing ultrasound scans for free. They want to give this opportunity to those who do not have the possibility of paying for these examinations. Truly a gift for so many of our patients.

Silvano R. – Perù


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