Focolare Movement

“The more we love our neighbor, the more our burden of pain lightens”

May 13, 2020

On the occasion of the day of prayer and fasting for humanity on 14th May, the prayer of Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement

On the occasion of the day of prayer and fasting for humanity on 14th May, the prayer of Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement In this time of trial, loneliness, anguish and dismay, we feel the need to re-discover the meaning of life and of death, of what does not pass and will remain forever. Our hearts, purified and disarmed by suffering, unite in prayer to You, Almighty, Compassionate, Merciful God and Father of us all. Strengthen in us the faith that everything You allow to happen is for a greater good, and that nothing of all that happens is outside Your infinite goodness. Help us continue this journey of life with renewed trust and hope, rooted in Your divine will in every present moment. Comfort those suffering the loss of family and friends; grant them strength to go ahead, and patience in adversity. Grant that in the face of anxiety about the future, the loss of work and the social and economic consequences of the pandemic, we are able to discover in them opportunities to practice solidarity and greater justice. Forge in us, more and more, a spirit of concrete love, to share the pain of those who are weeping and rejoice with those who are glad. Grant that we may consider others as ourselves and want for them what we want for ourselves. Help us experience, Most High and Almighty God, that the more we love our neighbor, forgetful of ourselves, the more our burden of pain lightens and in our hearts remains the ineffable and tangible sweetness of Your presence. Grant strength, health, safety and wisdom to the doctors, nurses, health personnel and all those doing their utmost for their brothers and sisters who are sick or in need, so that they can be Your instruments in accompanying those entrusted to their care. O God, Light of the world, grant that scientists may be illuminated by Your Wisdom and make their knowledge available for the good of all humanity. Sustain the leaders of nations and all those who decide the fate of peoples, so that they know how to make forward-looking decisions and find social and economic solutions in favor of the weakest. Enlighten their minds, so that they may find every possible means to avoid conflicts and promote peace. Make each one feel that they are responsible not only for their own people, but for all humanity. May Mary, who is loved and venerated by many, help us to stand firm in faith and bring consolation and hope to all. Amen. Download the prayer


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