Inauguration of the exhibition “Chiara Lubich World City” in Tonadico di Primiero “Chiara cannot be understood without situating her in the context in which she is lived”. With these words, Jesús Morán, co-president of the Focolare Movement on Sunday, December 8th , concluded the speeches of the inaugural ceremony of the exhibition dedicated to Chiara Lubich which opened at Palazzo Scopoli in Tonadico di Primiero the day after that of Trent. “During the war Chiara dedicated herself to her city, Trento, but it was in Primiero, in 1949, that God gave her the key to understanding what she was called to do. Chiara found the light here, in the mountains, but it is necessary to go to Trento and to every city to understand the consequences of her charism. This is the deep bond between the two exhibitions, where Tonadico’s is not an appendix to Trento’s, but the story of a decade of light. The gratitude of the Primiero valley was expressed in different tones by the Councillor for Culture Francesca Franceschi (“Primiero represents the origin, the retreat where Chiara found answers to her questions”), by the Deputy Mayor Paolo Secco (“Our task is not only to keep alive the memory, but to be a community that responds to the ideal inspirations that moved Chiara”), by the President of the Primiero Community, Roberto Pradel (“Chiara dedicated herself to building relationships between people: may the seed she sowed bear fruit”). Giuseppe Ferrandi, Director of the Fondazione Museo Storico del Trentino, illustrated the deeper meaning of the two exhibitions: “For the first time our Foundation has created an exhibition dedicated to someone: the person of Chiara has to be dealt with by not only Trento but also others. Trentino, which can claim her birth, must discover the dimension of strong attachment to traditions alive in Chiara, the result of relationships, but without stopping at them to open up to the world in order not to be sterile. Who better than Chiara Lubich can guarantee us this capacity for relationships that the world needs today?
Alba Sgariglia, co-responsible for the Chiara Lubich Centre, expressed the gratitude of the whole Movement to the Foundation: “We worked in tandem for this historical stage. From here, from these mountains, Chiara projected herself towards the whole of humanity: this is the mission that she understood here. Annamaria Rossi and Giuliano Ruzzier, curators of the exhibition with Maurizio Gentilini, underlined its characteristics: large images, quotations and brief captions flow along the walls of Palazzo Scopoli, right in front of that chalet where Chiara and some of her first companions went to rest in the summer of 1949. On the ground floor of the palace, which preserves the detachments of the frescoes from the chapel of San Vittore, there are some writings and essential memories of that summer and videos of the first Mariapolis, the summer holidays, which until 1959, year after year, were enriched with people of different vocations, cultures and backgrounds. The witness of the “little towns ” of the Movement in the world, the permanent Mariapoli, in which today, as in the experience of Primiero, unity is possible – it is experienced and witnessed to.
Paolo Crepaz