Focolare Movement

They have evicted Jesus

Dec 9, 2020

Anche quest’anno i Gen4, i bambini del Movimento dei Focolari, portano avanti quest’azione ricordando a tutti il vero senso del Natale.

As in previous years the Gen4, children in the Focolare Movement, are once again getting involved in this project to remind everyone of the true meaning of Christmas. With the pandemic currently forcing us to avoid personal contact, the Gen4 – boys and girls aged 4-8 in the Focolare Movement – were really wondering how they could prepare for Christmas. “How are we going to do the “they have evicted Jesus” project this year?  Will we be able to get together to make the plaster figures of Baby Jesus?  Will we be able to go out into the streets to give Jesus to people?” Founded in 1997 this gen4 project goes far beyond the literal meaning of the words: it is about not allowing ourselves to be conditioned by consumerism, but putting real values at the heart of Christmas. The idea came from a reflection by Chiara Lubich who was in Switzerland in the period before Christmas. Walking through the illuminated streets of a big city, Chiara was struck by the lights, the graceful decorations, by so much wealth but above all by the absence of any reference to the meaning of the first Christmas. She wrote: “this rich world has “taken” Christmas and all its trappings but has evicted Jesus! (…) The world focuses on Christmas for the best earnings of the year but it does not think about Jesus”. Since 1997 thousands of Gen4 all over the world have responded to Chiara’s invitation to put Jesus back at the centre of Christmas. In previous years, before we had Covid, the Gen4 offered plaster figures of Baby Jesus or all kinds of nativity scenes they had made themselves in the streets and squares, in the markets, at local institutions and in schools together with a copy of Chiara Lubich’s writing entitled “they have evicted Jesus”. Inherent in this project is the dimension of “gift”, of being aware of others: every year the gen4 think of initiatives to support children their own age in other parts of the world who, like Baby Jesus, lack basic necessities.  The people who receive the “Little Baby” often make a spontaneous donation to the particular cause. Last Christmas using the money raised Gen4 centres around the world were able to help the “Centro Social Unidad” (Unity Social Centre) in Bogotá, Colombia, a centre which welcomes children who have emigrated from Venezuela and the Institut de Réducation Audio Phonétique (IRAP) which is the Institute for Deaf Children in the Lebanon. This year everything will be a bit different because the pandemic has taken away some of our freedom.  Nevertheless, ideas and creativity for putting Jesus back at the heart of Christmas have not been lacking.  How did they manage to make and offer the little plaster figures?  In the family, in small groups, in their neighbourhoods and in parishes whilst still respecting all the restrictions and rules in places for this pandemic. This year they also decided to help the “Collegio Fiore” (Flower College) in Guatemala. The project’s financial situation has got worse because of the pandemic which has meant having to temporarily suspend all school activities. They really need the support of the “Jesus is missing” activity so that children can return to school as soon as possible under improved conditions. For more information visit the sito dei e delle Gen4.

Lorenzo Russo


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