Focolare Movement

To be reborn through love of neighbor

Jun 28, 2021

Siamo chiamati tutti ad operare in noi questa conversione ricominciando continuamente ad amare tutti, se ci fossimo fermati; dobbiamo sperimentare questa specie di ri­nascita, questa pienezza di vita. Occorre cercare perciò, il più possi­bile, di tradurre in amore verso il prossimo tutte le espressioni della nostra esistenza.

We are all called to make this conversion within ourselves by continually beginning to love everyone again, if we have stopped; we must experience this kind of re-birth, this fullness of life. We must therefore try, as much as possible, to translate all expressions of our existence into love for our neighbor. There before me was the stupendous page on the last judgment: Jesus will come to judge us and tell us, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me”.[1] It was as if I was reading those words for the first time. I rediscovered that at the last judgment Jesus will not ask me if I did one thing or another, the things I have to do anyway, but He will focus on love of neighbor. Like a person just beginning their ascent to God, I began to love everyone, everyone who in one way or another crossed my path during the day. And believe me, I felt as if I were reborn. I realized that my soul, above all, thirsts for love, thirsts to love, and that it truly finds its rest, its nourishment and its life in love for everyone. It’s true that I had previously tried to do many acts of love, but I now realized that some of them stemmed from an excessively individualistic spirituality, fed by small or larger penances. In spite of our good will, these can become times when we, who are called to love, focus on ourselves instead. Now, in this new effort to love everyone, I could still find opportunities to do many acts of love, but they were all for the sake of my neighbors in whom I saw and loved Jesus. And it was only in this way that I could experience the fullness of joy. Dearest everyone, we are all called to continually work at our own conversion; we must all experience this kind of rebirth, this fullness of life. Therefore, we must try as much as possible to translate all the aspects of our daily existence into charity towards our neigh­bor. Is it our task to look after the house? Let’s not do so for merely human reasons, but because there is Jesus in the others to be loved by dressing, feeding and serving them. Do we have any other kind of work to do? Jesus is present in the individuals and the communities whom we serve. Must we pray? Let’s always pray for the others as well as ourselves, referring to that “we” that Jesus has taught us to use in the “Our Father.” Are we called to suffer? Let’s offer our suffering for others. Is it the will of God to spend time with someone? Let our intention be to listen to Him, to give advice to Him, to console Him… in short: to love Him. Must we rest, eat, or take time for recreation? In all these actions let’s place the intention of wanting to re-gather our strength in order to serve our neighbor better. In other words, let’s do everything with our neighbor in mind. (…) For this to happen, indeed, so that such a continual conversion may take place in us (…) let’s keep in mind our commitment “to be reborn through love”.

Chiara Lubich

(Taken from a conference call, Rocca di Papa March 20th 1986)   [1] Mt 25:35


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