Focolare Movement

Today more than ever there is a need for an Economy of Communion

May 27, 2021

"Let us not forget the poor" (Chiara Lubich). In a time when there is much struggle to find a way to combine the economy with social justice and sustainability, Economy of Communion has been living and announcing a new economy for thirty years, carrying a message that is more relevant than ever.

“Let us not forget the poor” (Chiara Lubich). In a time when there is much struggle to find a way to combine the economy with social justice and sustainability, Economy of Communion has been living and announcing a new economy for thirty years, carrying a message that is more relevant than ever. In May 1991, Chiara Lubich, founder of the Focolare Movement, having landed in Sao Paulo, Brazil, was struck by the contrast between the skyscrapers and the myriad of favelas, very poor houses, that surrounded them. She felt she had to do something, immediately: on 29 May 1991, she brought the Economy of Communion to life. Looking at our world today, the contrasts are even stronger and aggravated by the pandemic: there is more need for an Economy of Communion now than ever. On 29 May 2021, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., the international event “30 YEARS OF ECONOMY OF COMMUNION ” will take place online, live from the Auditorium of the International Citadel of Loppiano (Florence, ITALY), in Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Korean. Speakers will include the economist Stefano Zamagni, who has accompanied Economy of Communion from the beginning; Brazilian sociologist Vera Araujo; Jean Tonglet of ATD Quarto Mondo; Luca Crivelli from SUPSI University (Lugano-Switzerland); Alberto Ferrucci, entrepreneur and “pioneer” of the EoC; Isaias Hernando, president of the International Association for an Economy of Communion (AIEC); Geneviéve Sanze, from the General Council of the Focolare Movement; Benedetto Gui, Sophia University Institute; Margaret Karram and Jesús Morán, President and Co-President of the Focolare Movement, respectively; Luigino Bruni, economist, Coordinator of the Economy of Communion project. Economy of Communion means more than 1000 companies that adhere to the project or are inspired by it, 15 EoC-IIN business incubators for the development of new businesses in as many countries, 6 integral development projects currently underway and more than 400 degree theses. The programme will start by recounting the story of the historical and spiritual origins of the Economy of Communion. This will be followed by artistic performances. There will be a number of testimonies and the life of the Economy of Communion presented from Brazil, Argentina, the Philippines, the Arab Emirates, Portugal, the USA and Belgium as well as video-messages from all over the world: from New Zealand to Benin and Mexico. The event will feature the performances of the international group Gen Verde, with director Maria Amata Calò in charge. Local listening and participation hubs will be set up, in compliance with anti-Covid regulations. Luigino Bruni, Coordinator of the Economy of Communion: “We are looking forward to having many of you with us as we celebrate thirty years of communion, of sharing with the poor, of an economy of the five loaves given that become a thousand and feed the crowd. A celebration of gratitude, youth and the future. Because the Economy of Communion is a global common good, a gift for all”. How to participate: The event is open to all with no registration required. There is a YouTube playlist where all available languages can be found: The INTERNATIONAL channel: PORTUGUESE: ENGLISH: SPANISH: ITALIAN: FRENCH: For further information, visit the page dedicated to the event: All materials to be shared are available here: Photo Gallery of the Economy of Communion:   Economy of Communion Press Office: Antonella Ferrucci – (+39) 349 5620268    


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