Focolare Movement

Travelling companions we trust

Jul 1, 2024

Idea of the month – July 2024

Our daily lives are never free from problems and challenges – health, family, work, unforeseen difficulties, etc. In addition, we are aware of the immense suffering experienced today by so many of our brothers and sisters due to war, the consequences of climate change, migration and violence. We may often feel overwhelmed by these situations.

It is normal to feel concern and to want to find security. We may not find a solution to the problem but the closeness of true friends comforts us and gives us strength. Facing difficulties together is a daily reminder to continue believing in those values of fraternity, reciprocity and solidarity that make the journey through life possible. Fraternal relationships help us experience the same security that children feel when they trust in the love of their parents. This helps them live with a sense of freedom and drive.

For Chiara Lubich and for so many who followed and follow her vision of life, this security comes from the faith of having a Father. Chiara said: “…the person knows he or she is loved and believes with all their being in this love….. abandons themselves to it trustingly and wants to follow it. The events that make up our lives, whether sad or joyful, are enlightened by the belief that everything happens because love has willed or permitted them all.” Her words can be applied to all those who have experienced true love at least once in their lives.

The characteristic of a good travelling companion is someone of service, someone who brings a personal dimension based upon knowledge and deep sharing in respect for everyone. This means living transparently, consistently, without a hidden agenda and with a pure and unconditional love that brings peace, justice and fraternity.

When this happens, it produces a new type of leadership that is so necessary nowadays. This leadership fosters a communitarian dynamic and enables us to recognise the unique contribution of each one without losing our individual identities. On the contrary, we know that it is when we are alone we experience disorientation and lack vision.

We ourselves will only be able to be ‘guides’ for those who are living through difficult times if we, in turn, have experienced trust in others. As the Brazilian educationalist and philosopher, Paulo Freire, says: ‘No one educates anyone; no one educates his or her self; people educate each other through the mediation of the world.’ 1 In other words, in the educational community, no one teaches anyone anything, but everyone learns from everyone in a context of dialogue and critical reflection on reality.1. We ourselves will only be able to be ‘guides’ for those who are living through difficult times if we, in turn, have experienced trust in others. As the Brazilian educationalist and philosopher, Paulo Freire, says: ‘No one educates anyone; no one educates his or her self; people educate each other through the mediation of the world.’ 1 In other words, in the educational community, no one teaches anyone anything, but everyone learns from everyone in a context of dialogue and critical reflection on reality.

1 Freire, Paulo (2012)”Pedagogía del oprimido” Ed. Siglo XXI

Photo: © Lâm Vũ en Pixabay

THE IDEA OF THE MONTH is currently produced by the Focolare Movement’s “Centre for Dialogue with People of Non-religious Beliefs“. It is an initiative that began in 2014 in Uruguay to share the values found in the Word of Life with friends who do not have religious beliefs. Currently, THE IDEA OF THE MONTH is translated into 12 languages and distributed in more than 25 countries, with adaptations of the text according to different cultural sensitivities.

1 Comment

  1. Marco

    It is a fantastic initiative, and the message of this month is very meaningful and unique.


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