Focolare Movement

Unity is possible

Jul 5, 2016

Speech by Maria Voce, President of the Focolare Movement, at the Public Event of Together for Europe, July 2, 2016.

(c) MfE, Foto: Grill

(c) MfE, Foto: Grill

«“Unity is possible”. Is this an absurd affirmation today, in a Europe marked by global terrorism, a multiplication of wars, migrations of biblical proportions and growing intolerance? Are we talking about a dream, a utopia? No. We are talking about an experience which several Movements and Christian communities in Europe have already been living for over 15 years, bearing witness that unity is possible.  We have experienced that there is something indestructible and timeless which binds us: it is Love, God who is Love. This Love has opened our eyes and our heart to embrace the fears, tears and hopes of this continent.  In all that is negative, which seems to overwhelm us, we perceive the pain that God who became man suffered on the cross and through which he showed his limitless love and gave us the hope of resurrection. Three key words characterise this event: meeting, reconciliation, future. We can meet one another because God came to meet us first through his incarnation. We can be reconciled with one another because on the cross Jesus reconciled us with God and amongst ourselves. We can walk securely towards the future because the One who conquered death is walking in our midst and is leading us towards European unity and the unity of the world, until his prayer “May they all be one” is fulfilled (John 17:21). It is worthwhile committing our lives for such for such a high goal. Together we want to ask forgiveness for the divisions of the past which caused wars and death in Europe.  Together we want to bear witness to our unity while respecting the beauty and diversity of our Churches and communities. Together we want to be at the service of something new which is needed today so as to make progress once more on the European path. 20160702_153114_2077MfE_Sa_Kundgebung_FotoHaafWhat we can offer – by committing our lives – is the newness of the Gospel.  Before dying Jesus prayed: “Father, may they all be one”. He showed that we are all brothers and sisters, that one “single human family” is possible; that unity is possible; that unity is our destiny. We commit ourselves here, today, to be catalysts of this change, catalysts for a new vision for Europe, so as to speed up the journey towards unity by starting a profound dialogue with and for all the men and women on earth. Dialogue can happen because of the so-called “Golden Rule” which says “Do not do to others what you would not wish done to you” (Cf Lk 6:31). Basically it means to love. And if love becomes mutual it brings fraternity to its fullness among all. In universal fraternity Europe can rediscover its vocation. In the 1950s Chiara Lubich wrote “if one day all peoples were able to set themselves aside, setting aside the idea they have of their own homeland … for the sake of the mutual love among states which God asks of us, just as he asks mutual love among brothers and sisters, that day will be the start of a new era”. So let’s live for this new era! Unity is possible!». Maria Voce Together for Europe, Public Event Munich, 2 July 2016


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