Focolare Movement


Sep 24, 2021

[:fr]Diffusion internationale en direct en six langues du parcours approfondi de formation, préparé par le mouvement des Focolari, sur l'éducation à la sexualité et à l'affectivité, pour un développement harmonieux de la personne dans toutes ses dimensions, destiné aux enfants, aux jeunes et aux parents.

Announcing an international live streaming event, Saturday 25 September 2021, with a choice of six languages, to launch a new formation program – developed by the Focolare Movement – dealing with affectivity and sexuality, to promote harmonious human development in all its aspects, aimed at children, youth and parents. “Up2Me has given me a greater understanding of who I am, both emotionally and physically, and of the kind of life I want to build for myself, as well as showing me the importance of relationships with others”. “The program has really helped me relate to girls. It’s taught me to respect them. I’m more willing to help in the house, and I can work together with my mother and my sister now, without feeling I’m belittling myself”. “This experience allowed me to speak with others of my own age about issues which are important to us.  I could express myself freely, without the fear of being judged badly”. This is just a taste of the feedback from the hundreds of youth in various parts of the world who have participated so far in Up2Me, the education pathway on affectivity and sexuality that aims at the harmonious development of the person in all its dimensions. The program is based on “person-relationship”. Being-in-relationship is part of the essence of being human, the ontological foundation to full growth, respecting the characteristics of their age group, which sees the children and youth as protagonists of conscious choices and capable of livng positive relationships. Saturday 25 September 2021, at 2.00pm (Italian time) offers the opportunity to find out more by joining a live streaming event through this link, with simultaneous translations in six languages: English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Portughese and Italian. Developed within the Focolare Movement, Up2Me has been piloted so far in 28 countries. It grew from the need frequently expressed by children and youth who find themselves facing big issues like life, health, sexuality, modern life styles, emotions, future life choices … without adequate tools to deal with them. Parents often feel unprepared to respond to these questions. So social media can become the main source of information, without addressing the value of the whole person. “I never found these things on the internet!” exploded one girl after an Up2Me session on knowing the beauty and complexity of one’s own body. Up2Me aims to respond to these challenges and help parents through this phase of accompanying children and adolescents in a program of integral formation. What are the main themes dealt with? For children: emotions, the body, friendship, life and death. For pre-adolescents and adolescents: the beauty and complexity of one’s own body, the wonder of birth, respect for human life and for the planet, personal hygiene, abortion, contraception, assisted reproduction techniques, addictions, pornography, gender studies, healthy life styles (sport, nutrition, rest), internet opportunities and issues, the importance of the spiritual aspect in human life, mass media, bullying, friendship, emotions, falling in love, one’s life project. For parents of pre-adolescents and adolescents: educating in times of crisis, authority and strictness, good communication, adoloscence, the age of opportunity, how to talk about sexuality with your children, addictions (substance, pornography, smartphone), life style (alcohol, smoking, food), new media. The formation program is also directed at those who hope to become Up2Me tutors via participation in an international training school covering theory and practical experience. Up2Me has a central coordinating team which works internationally with various local teams. An international multi-disciplinary Scientific Committee harnesses the professional expertise of academics in psychology, pedagogy, medicine, theology and law.

Lorenzo Russo


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