Focolare Movement

Word of Life – August 2018

Jul 28, 2018

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you." (Jer 31:3)

The prophet Jeremiah was sent by God to the people of Israel, who were experiencing the pain of exile in Babylon. They had lost everything that represented their identity and chosenness: their land, the temple and the law… However, the prophet’s words pierce through this sense of pain and loss. It is true that Israel had been unfaithful to the covenant of love with God and this had led to destruction. But then came the proclamation of a new promise of freedom, salvation, and a renewed covenant. God was preparing this out of his eternal and unfailing love for his people. “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” “The eternal and unfailing nature of God’s faithfulness is a quality of His love. He is the Father of every human being, a Father who is the first to love; and his commitment is forever. His faithfulness touches each one of us and allows us to entrust to Him every worry that might block us. This eternal and patient love also helps us grow and improve our relationship with Him and with others. We are well aware that our commitment to love God and our neighbours is not yet constant, although it is sincere. But His faithfulness to us is freely given, anticipating our needs, regardless of the ‘service’ we give. With this joyful assurance, we can go beyond our limited view of things and start out on the journey again each day, becoming witnesses to this “motherly” love. “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” God’s loving way of looking at humanity also reveals a wonderful plan to make all people become one family, which reaches its fulfilment in Jesus. In fact, he bore witness to his trust in God’s love through his word, and above all, with the example of his life. He made it possible for us to imitate the Father’s love for all (Mt 5:43 ff.). He showed us that the vocation of every man and woman is to contribute personally to building relationships of acceptance and dialogue. How can we live the Word of life for this month? Chiara Lubich invites us to have a mother’s heart: « […] A mother always welcomes, always helps, always hopes, and covers everything. […] In fact, the love of a mother is very similar to the love of Christ which St Paul spoke of. If we have a mother’s heart, or, more precisely, if we decide to have Mary’s heart, the heart of the Mother par excellence, we will always be ready to love others in all circumstances and to keep the Risen Lord alive in us. […] If we have the heart of this Mother, we will love everyone and not only the members of our own church, but also other people’s churches. Not only Christians, but also Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, and so on. We will love all people of good will and every person who lives on this earth […] » . “I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” A young wife, who started living the Gospel in her family said: “I experienced a joy I never had before and wanted to share this love outside the four walls of our house. For example, I remember running to the hospital to visit the wife of a colleague who had attempted suicide. For quite a time, I had known of their difficulties, but being absorbed in my own problems, I had not bothered to help her. But then I felt her suffering was my own and I could not rest until the situation that had driven her to that point was resolved. This experience marked the beginning of a change in my mentality. I understood that, if I love, I can be a reflection of God’s love for everyone I meet, even if only a very small one “. What if we too, sustained by God’s faithful love, freely have this inner attitude in the presence of everyone we meet during the day? Letizia Magri


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