Focolare Movement

Young religious in Rome. The joy of consecrated life

Sep 9, 2015

In the context of the Year of Consecrated Life, 4,000 young religious will be expected in Rome from 15 - 19 September to testify to the beauty of their vocation. vocazione.

giovani religiose     The objectives set by the 4,000 consecrated youth who will meet in Rome from 15-19 September is to achieve a formative experience through the biblical, theological-charismatic and ecclesiological in-depth study on consecrated life, and to have a concrete possibility to share their reality, wishes and expectations, celebrating and testifying to the beauty of their vocation. They will come from all over the world (countries like Iran, the Philippines, Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe) to take part in the World Day of Young Religious. Organized by the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, the event will be held in the context of the Year of Consecrated Life. The calendar is varied and intense. In the morning the youth will meet in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican to listen and reflect on the themes about vocations, fraternal life and the missions. In the afternoon they will meet in various parts of Rome to hold dialogue and sharing sessions, and in the evening they will have the chance to participate in the itineraries offered: the path of the announcement (missionary night in the centre of Rome), the path of encounter (meetings with social-ecclesiastical organisations: Caritas, St. Egidio community, Talitha Kum), the path of beauty (guided tours of the Vatican Museums and the Sistine Chapel). Some open-air events with the public will be: the prayer vigil in St. Peter’s Square (15 September at 20.30) presided by the Archbishop Secretary of the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life, His Excellency, Bishop José Rodríguez Carballo; the mass in St. Peter’s Basilica (19 September at 11.30) presided by the Prefect of the Congregation, His Excellency, Cardinal João Braz de Aviz; soiree of music and testimonials in St. Peter’s Square (18 September at 20.30). There will also be a meeting with Pope Francis during the general audience on Wednesday, 16 September. On this occasion, all those present will receive as a gift, the book entitled Love means giving all – Testimonials, edited in seven languages. Published by the Vie Consacrée Association and in Italian by Città Nuova, the book, upon its release, was presented to the Holy Father who expressed his deep appreciation for the new, fresh and attractive vision of consecrated life, and encouraged its widespread diffusion. Click here to see the programme of the event  Source: New City publishers


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