Movimento dei Focolari

Theses for a Trinitarian Ontology

Ago 18, 2016

Dancing with the Divine. Author: Klaus Hemmerle

hemmerle_cover_1“It is difficult to exaggerate the revolutionary impact of the simple affirmation that only love lasts. For if what lasts is love, then the centre of gravity shifts from the self to the other, and so movement (no longer understood in the Aristotelian sense) and relationship (relatio, no longer understood as a category, as the most insignificant accident of being) become central…Only one thing remains, participation in that movement which love itself is. This movement is the rhythm of being; it is the rhythm of that giving which gives itself.”

For the central question is, and must remain, what happens to our perception of God, humanity, society, history and the world when faith in the God of Jesus Christ, that ‘eternal dialogue of communion’, breaks in afresh? Bishop Hemmerle’s Theses for a Trinitarian Ontology provide a fresh and stimulating answer to that abiding question.

Available in October 2016

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