Focolare Movement
“Communion in Action Report”: Dialogue Builds Peace

“Communion in Action Report”: Dialogue Builds Peace

The Focolare Movement has just published its second “Communion in Action Report” or “Mission Report”. It focuses on the theme of Dialogue. To learn more about it, we interviewed Ruperto Battiston and Geneviève Sanze, Counsellors for the Economy and Work aspect of the Movement.

A year ago, in January 2023, at the “Focolare Meeting Point” in Rome, the first “Communion in Action Report” or “Mission Report” of the Focolare Movement was presented. It gave an overview of the worldwide activities and initiatives carried out by the Movement in the biennium 2020-2021. This year, the Movement is presenting a new Report for the year 2022, this time centred on the theme of dialogue. The document has emerged as a fascinating account, not only of the spontaneous sharing of goods but also of experiences and needs, inspired by a lifestyle based on evangelical love. Ruperto Battiston and Geneviève Sanze, Counsellors at the International Centre of the Movement for the aspect of Economy and Work, shared their thoughts with us.

Ruperto, what are the objectives of this document? Is there continuity with the previous one?

These mission reports exist to involve everyone and share information about the concrete achievements resulting from the communion of goods among all the members of the Focolare Movement and the contributions that we receive from individuals or institutions. It is primarily addressed to all the members of the Movement, with gratitude for the fruits that the life and work of many people around the world continue to generate; and with gratitude to God for what He has done and continues to do. It is also addressed to those who would like to know more about us and actively collaborate for a more fraternal and peaceful world. This is why we chose the standard, and in this case perhaps somewhat unusual, name of ‘Communion in Action Report’ because we feel it best expresses our experience of walking together towards a united world. This is our second Mission Report’. It refers to the activities supported by the part of the communion of goods which is shared internationally and to the financial data of the Focolare Movement’s International Centre for the year 2022. This Report follows that of 2021, which highlighted the various activities that the communities of the Focolare Movement carry out worldwide in all fields and aspects. For 2022, we focused on a more thematic document, taking the specific perspective of Dialogue and trying to offer a glimpse of what we seek to bring to society on the path towards fraternity, towards that unity in which diversities can be enriched and give rise to harmonious collaborations.

Therefore, this Report serves as an open and hands-on tool of communion to which everyone can add a page, a story or a suggestion, “In Dialogue” with humanity and with our planet.

Geneviève, how does the theme of dialogue, the heart of this text, fit into this informative tool?

It is interesting to reiterate what it says in the introduction: “Being in dialogue is the characteristic of every person and every project which is under the auspices of the Focolare Movement and which is inspired by its spirituality of communion. Not just doing, therefore, but a lifestyle which is supported and substantiated by listening, welcoming, compassion, charity and mercy, as summarized in the cardinal principle of every culture and religion: the so-called Golden Rule ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you.'” This Mission Report aims to show how, together with many others throughout the world, we have contributed to healing the wounds of divisions and polarizations and to progressing along the path of evangelical fraternity. We express dialogue in five major areas: in the Catholic Church, among Christian Churches, in the field of interreligious dialogue, with people without a religious reference and in different cultural contexts. For us, these areas are the main ways to reach fraternity. Chiara Lubich defined dialogues as ‘highways to a united world’. It was not easy to gather and choose from the numerous initiatives, small and large but all important because they are seeds of the future and bearers of a concrete change in relationships between people, improving the atmosphere of the world. We were amazed by the quantity of initiatives and the widespread flourishing of this life, which may not make noise but which supports the world and builds new relationships between people. Being “In Dialogue” with others values ​​diversity, highlights the characteristics of each one, requires deep mutual listening, and builds peace. Dialogue is more relevant than ever. To read the Mission Report in English, click here.

Maria Grazia Berretta

Case of Jean-Michel Merlin

The Prefecture of Nanterre (France) issued an appeal for witnesses On Tuesday, 2 January, the Police Prefecture of Nanterre (France) issued an appeal for witnesses following the accusation of sexual abuse within the Focolare Movement in France by former focolarino Jean-Michel Merlin. The document states that the Prefecture is looking for ‘anyone who can provide information relevant to the investigation or who wishes to denounce facts of which he may have been a victim’. Jean-Michel Merlin,” the appeal explains, “has been accused of sexual abuse of children and adults committed over a number of years within the Focolare Movement. Many of the victims have come forward and denounced the acts committed against them. The Focolare expresses its complete availability to facilitate the work of the judicial authorities and to make this appeal known. They offer their support to the victims and their commitment to continue implementing measures to protect and safeguard children and individuals, so that the Movement can increasingly be a safe place for everyone. Anyone with information of interest to the investigation or who wishes to report incidents of which they have been a victim, in France or elsewhere, is invited to contact the French judicial authorities via the following address:    

Focolare Movement and abuse, a firm commitment to the safeguarding of the person 

Joachim Schwind, a focolare and member of the General Council at the Focolare International Centre was interviewed by Adriana Masotti of Vatican News The first report on cases of the abuse of minors and vulnerable adults and on those of a spiritual nature and of authority that took place within the Movement was recently published on the Movement’s international website. In addition to the data provided, it presents the remedial measures, the new investigative procedures and the training activities to achieve the complete safeguarding of the person. In this interview, Joachim Schwind, a focolare-priest and member of the General Council, explained the process which has begun. In a letter published on the Movement’s website, President Margaret Karram and Co-President Jésus Morán presented the first report on the management of cases of abuse that have occurred within the Movement: “We are writing to give you a public account of information regarding the reports we have received and the measures we have taken as the Focolare Movement in response to the scourge of the sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults and the abuse of conscience, spiritual abuse, and the abuse of authority regarding adults, which has also affected us”. The report, which will be issued annually, comes one year on from the engagement in 2020 of GCPS Consulting to investigate serious cases of sexual abuse by J.M.M., a former French focolarino. This case gave rise to an awareness of the problem and then to the decision to begin a process, on several fronts, to guarantee the prevention and integral safeguarding of the person in all areas and environments in which the activities of the Focolare take place and to counteract this crime. The victims are at the centre: a request for forgiveness  In the letter, the President and co-President first of all ask for forgiveness from each victim on behalf of the entire Movement. They express their deep gratitude to the victims and survivors and to the families and communities involved, not only in France, but in all countries where cases of abuse have emerged. It is thanks to their collaboration and above all to their courage in facing and bringing these crimes to light, that the Movement today is more consciously pursuing new commitments and procedures regarding safeguarding. People who have been abused occupy the central and priority place in this process. Listening, the request for forgiveness, the offer of help and indicating a reparative path are the starting point. The new Central Independent Commission  The report consists of several parts and presents statistics relating to abuses reported to the Commission for the Wellbeing and Safeguarding of the Person (in Italian, CO.BE.TU.) since 2014, the year of its establishment and therefore the beginning of systematic gathering of reports, until December 2022. Another section is dedicated to the measures implemented or being implemented, in response to the recommendations of GCPS Consulting’s independent investigation. The report announces that, starting from 1st May, 2023, a new Independent Central Commission will take office for the management of reports and the task of the CO.BE.TU. will end. The report also presents the “Procedures for handling cases of abuse in the Focolare Movement” and the “Guidelines on support and financial reparation in the case of the sexual abuse of minors/vulnerable adults”. Finally, there is a Supervisory Body appointed by the President and composed of at least five members external to the Movement. Some data presented in the report According to the data reported in the published text, there have been 61 reports of abuse. The victims include: 17 vulnerable adults, 28 young people aged between 14 and 18 years of age, 13 children under 14 years of age and two concerning the possession of child pornography. There are 66 perpetrators of abuse of which 63 are men and 3 are women. Twenty of those found guilty of abuse have been dismissed from the Movement, nine have been sanctioned, and there are other cases still pending. Finally, 39 cases occurred in Europe, 15 in the Americas, 3 in Asia/Oceania and 4 in Africa. With regard to the chapter on sexual abuse, the abuse of conscience and authority and spiritual abuse towards adults, there were 22 cases reported. There are 31 abusers and some more who have not yet been identified. 12 are men and 19 are women. The distribution of these reports by geographical area indicates: 16 cases in Europe, 3 in the Americas, 2 in Africa and 1 in Asia/Oceania. A network for the gathering reports and listening of victims Within the Focolare Movement, the local commissions for the wellbeing and safeguarding of minors and vulnerable people will be strengthened or established, with the presence of professionals in the fields of psychological, legal, educational and training support. They will have the task of accepting complaints and testimonies and of initiating investigative procedures. The local commissions will also be able to offer a listening point for anyone who wishes to share their experience of abuse, violence or discomfort of any kind, also providing, on request, advice for further assistance. In some countries, such as France and Germany, these listening points are already active. In addition, a central Disciplinary Commission will be established, composed mostly of external professionals, in order to assess the responsibility of the leaders of the Focolare Movement in the management of abuses of all kinds. Schwind: this is a shame that demands huge change  Joachim Schwind is a priest of the Focolare Movement. He is a theologian and journalist of German origin. He is a member of the General Council of the Movement and joint director of the Commission entrusted with carrying out the recommendations of the report prepared by GCPS Consulting. He told us what has been done on the issue of abuse, since that investigation began and he described the impact on the leaders and communities of the Movement. What was the starting point of this new process for safeguarding people? I do not know whether to speak of an initial point, but rather of a decisive point. And that was undoubtedly, a year ago, with the publication of the report of the English company GCPS that investigated this case of abuse in France. This was not the starting point because measures were already in place since 2011, but they were absolutely insufficient and unsatisfactory. This report has caused a great shock and a great shame throughout the Movement, because of the extent and duration of this case, the number of victims and also because of the failure in our management of this situation, in the coordination of our organizational and governmental structures. And it was important to choose to publish this report “without ifs or buts”, even if some people were unsure about publishing some parts. For us it meant accepting the humiliation that this report contains, accepting the fact that we are no better than others. However, it must be said that the basis was the courage of the victims who had made the accusations and who had reported what had happened. It must have been very painful to learn of cases of sexual abuse within the Movement. What were the first reactions? How did the leaders of the Movement at the central level react? Of course, as I said, it was deeply painful, shocking and shameful. The first reactions were to acknowledge the facts and to ask for forgiveness. We did this in 2019 through our then President, Maria Voce and it was repeated by the current President, Margaret Karram and our co-President Jésus Morán. Then it is not easy to express the reactions of a worldwide movement, because we are spread throughout the whole world, in all cultural contexts and therefore we have experienced the full range of reactions that exist: shock, disbelief, shame, but also some sought justification. There were those who tried to explain the situation as a unique occurrence, saying that the perpetrators were sick, that these things did not affect us, or that they did not concern their own country, etc. There was the anger, the rage of parents who had entrusted their sons and daughters to the Movement. There were some people who left the Movement, others who wanted to get to the bottom of these situations, there were those who felt they had to do something and then “move on”. And in this context, what our co-President said at a meeting was very indicative, that “this page must be read to the end before turning it over”. In the face of this reality, what were the decisions taken, first of all regarding the accusations that had arrived? The first thing we did at the level of leadership was to go on a pilgrimage together and take part in a liturgy of asking for forgiveness, of reconciliation before God. We set up a Commission, of which I am a member, which has the task of specifying the measures to be taken. Many of us, starting with the President and the co-President have sought contact with the victims, and I personally must say that contact with the victims and survivors was the most valuable thing in this whole process. Perhaps the most important decision was the reform of the Independent Commission, which was tasked with investigating cases of abuse. And in that reform the most obvious and most important part is that from now on every sexual abuse will be reported to the judicial authorities. In countries where this obligation exists, it will take place immediately, as soon as we receive a report and, where the law does not provide for it, we will carry out a kind of investigation and verification of the authenticity of the claim and as soon as this is done it will be submitted to the judicial authorities. Then, with the reform of this Commission, we tried to speed up the procedures, always thinking of the victims so that they do not have to wait too long once they have taken the courage to report something. We have also tried to free this Commission from other tasks, in particular that of training, in order to ensure a faster process of all the procedures, while the aspect of training has been given to a special Commission. Then we set up listening points in many countries to make it easier to report, because it is often not so easy to take the courage to do so. Another aspect of your commitment was that of the prevention of abuses and training to favour a safeguarding culture encompassing the whole person, for all the members of the Movement. This was an important initiative… Of course, prevention is perhaps the most important point and in this context we were helped by some external experts, because after the publication of the GCPS report, we were tempted to try to achieve everything, but there was also the risk of getting a little lost in the sea of measures we intended to take. We have been advised to focus first of all on creating safe environments in the Movement, that is, that the spaces, meetings and places of the Movement are safe spaces. Of course, 100% security never exists, but we must increase at all costs everyone’s attention and awareness and this requires training, training, and training. Our choice was not only to continue the training which is already in place for the trainers, educators and animators, but to establish training courses for all the members of the Movement and we launched the very ambitious challenge that within two years, each member of the Focolare Movement must have taken at least one basic course for the prevention and safeguarding of minors against sexual abuse. Not only sexual abuse of vulnerable people, but also spiritual abuse and abuse of authority. This is also mentioned in the report. And here perhaps we enter a more subtle area, more difficult to decipher. What can you tell us about this? Have there been complaints about this and how are they expressed? It is very important to speak of spiritual abuse, of the abuse of authority, of power and of conscience. It is important because sexual abuse is almost always an abuse of power. So the underlying problem is not the question of sexuality, but precisely the abuse of conscience, spiritual abuse, the abuse of power-related addictions. And it is true, as you say, that it is very difficult to decipher what spiritual abuse is. The term is not yet clear or well defined and I think this is also reflected in the relatively low numbers of cases of this type that are included in our report. A process has started in this regard and in this, the listening points that I have already talked about will be of great help. Then there are also people who have suffered an abuse of power and who do not want to report it to a commission, but would like to talk to those who have harmed them. They ask for mediation, conversation, perhaps even a path of reconciliation. And then there are others who have not yet found the courage to denounce. In all this I think a change of culture is very important and there was a very significant moment in this regard last September when the leaders of the Movement from all over the world met with the General Council in our International Centre, and for several days we talked about our experiences. We wanted to have the courage to listen and to speak  out and we tried to create a new culture of openness, of listening, of sharing. Then there is also the need for formation, to be able to distinguish the internal forum and the external forum, as the Pope advises the Church, formation in conscience, formation in the absolute prevalence of human dignity. We know that power always carries a risk, so we have started a process and we are still refining it. The procedures for choosing leaders must be reviewed and now there is much more involvement of the grassroots in the selection of candidates and then we must also ensure alternation in roles of governance. What does it mean for the Focolare Movement to publicize this information about the issue of abuse? You might have chosen not to… What message do you want to give? I wouldn’t say that we want to give a message with this report, because that might seem as if we want to save our image. I think that first of all we must ask forgiveness from every person who has suffered because of the inadequacy of our forms of governance, of control and of responsibility. And then we must thank those who have found the courage to denounce and to express their anger to us. With the publication of this report, above all we want to say that they did not do it in vain and that the path of our conversion and reparation has started and will be ongoing. And I think one of the strongest signals in this report is the simple fact that it is the beginning of a series because from now we have committed ourselves to publishing such a report every year. And this allows the victims and public opinion to follow and monitor our processes, also within our Movement, and this fact will force us to never give up.

Adriana Masotti – Vatican City

Source: Vatican News

Towards a safeguarding culture encompassing the whole person

Towards a safeguarding culture encompassing the whole person

The Focolare Movement has now published the first report on cases of abuse of children and vulnerable adults; and on spiritual abuse and abuse of authority that has occurred in the Focolare Movement, with reference to reparation measures, new investigative procedures, and training in safeguarding.We are writing to give you a public account of information regarding the reports we have received and the measures we have taken as the Focolare Movement in response to the scourge of the sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults and the abuse of conscience, spiritual abuse, and the abuse of authority regarding adults, which has also affected us”. In an open letter, Focolare President Margaret Karram, and Co-President Jésus Morán present the first report on the handling of abuse cases within the Movement. The report, published this year on 31st March 2023, one year after GCPS Consulting‘s investigation into serious cases of sexual abuse by a former French focolarino, J.M.M., will be issued annually. The Movement has been working to take the necessary steps to ensure the prevention and all-round safeguarding of the person in all the environments in which its activities take place. Therefore, as the President and Co-President of the Focolare explain, the report being published today, is a first account of the measures of prevention, investigation, transparency, training, and change, undertaken by the Movement, to combat these crimes. First, the President and Co-President sincerely ask each victim and survivor for forgiveness, on behalf of the Focolare Movement. And they express their deep gratitude to the victims and survivors, and to the families and communities involved, not only in France, but in all countries where cases of abuse have come to light. It is thanks to their cooperation and especially their courage in facing and bringing these crimes to light, that the Movement today is more consciously pursuing new commitments and procedures regarding safeguarding. The report consists of several parts and presents figures relating to abuses reported to the Commission for the Wellbeing and Safeguarding of the Person (in Italian CO.BE.TU.) since 2014, the year of its establishment and therefore of the systematic gathering of reports, until December 2022. Information on the “foundation courses on safeguarding” carried out in the various countries where the Focolare Movement exists are also included. Another section is dedicated to the measures put in place, or being put in place, as a priority, following the recommendations of the independent Inquiry by GCPS Consulting; training courses and measures concerning safeguarding available to all members of the Movement, especially formators and those who work with children. Training events have already been held for those in positions of responsibility in the Movement at various levels, from the central leadership to those responsible for different geographical areas. The Independent Central Commission has been set up together with procedures regarding reports, accusations and investigations As of 1st May 2023, the Independent Central Commission will start work and the task of CO.BE.TU will end. The new body will deal exclusively with the handling of reports, while training will be coordinated centrally and locally by another team of experts and consultants. The report also presents the ‘Procedures for handling cases of abuse in the Focolare Movement’, the ‘Role of the Independent Central Commission’ and ‘Guidelines on support and financial reparation in the case of sexual abuse of children and vulnerable adults’.

Stefania Tanesini

Download PDF Report on the handling of abuse cases within the Focolare Movement

Earthquake emergency in Turkey and Syria

Earthquake emergency in Turkey and Syria

The donations, collected through the NGOs Azione per un Mondo Unito (AMU) and Azione per Famiglie Nuove (AFN), will be used to provide with basic necessities the people of Turkey and Syria affected by the strong earthquake on 6 February 2023, also in collaboration with the local Churches.

The Emergency Coordination of the Focolare Movement has launched an extraordinary fundraising campaign in support of the people of Turkey and Syria, through the non-profit organisations Action for a United World (AMU) and Action for New Families (AFN). The donations will be jointly managed by AMU and AFN to bring basic necessities for food, medical care, housing, heating and shelter to the people affected by the earthquake of the 6th  February 2023 in various cities in the two countries, also in cooperation with local churches. You can donate online at: AMU: AFN:

or by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Action for a United World ONLUS (AMU) IBAN: IT 58 S 05018 03200 000011204344 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX

Action for New Families ONLUS (AFN) IBAN: IT 92 J 05018 03200 000016978561 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX

Reason for payment: Middle East Earthquake Emergency T

ax benefits are available for such donations in many EU countries and in other countries around the world, according to different local regulations. Italian taxpayers will be able to obtain deductions and deductions from their income, according to the regulations for non-profit organisations

The Focolare Movement makes public the measures to be taken regarding the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults in response to the Independent Inquiry by GCPS Consulting

Significant steps forward are being taken to expand and strengthen measures concerning prevention, training, compensation, and the assessment of responsibility. These will guarantee justice to all victims and implement a culture in which absolute priority is given to charity, to the dignity of the person, and to safety and transparency in all areas of the Movement. “Today we are publishing a first response to the recommendations made by the  Report issued by GCPS Consulting on the cases of child abuse by a former member of the Focolare Movement in France. We realise that these initial measures are not exhaustive, but form part of a decisive process of realignment of the life and activities of the Movement so that children and every person, in all their diversity, are at the centre of all processes concerning care, safeguarding, reparation and new beginnings“. With these words Margaret Karram, President of the Focolare Movement, presented the steps the Movement is now taking, thanks also to the recommendations made by GCPS Consulting. These measures are in addition to the Guidelines for the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults (being followed in the Focolare Movement since 2014 and currently being revised according to international standards) and to the training courses on safeguarding for members of the Movement. “First and foremost,” she explained, “I wish to address all victims of sexual abuse, particularly in France. Personally and on behalf of the Movement I wish to thank you for your courage in sharing your testimony and your pain. For us they are the essential starting point in this process of purification. I also wish to thank the community of the Movement in France for its courage in the face of so much suffering. We now announce the establishment of a central disciplinary commission, which will have the task of assessing the responsibilities of the Movement’s leadership, in cases of abuse, in order to reach clarity and provide justice for the victims. Margaret Karram concluded, “First and foremost we are placing the Gospel at the basis of this process of renewal. We want to put the Gospel back at the centre of all we do. Moreover, the serious challenges that the world is experiencing today call for a renewed application of the spirituality of unity so that it can be an instrument of fraternity and peace.” The measures set out below will be implemented over the short, medium, and long term and are considered the most urgent and essential steps to set the Movement firmly on a path of reparation and positive new beginnings.

  • Victims at the centre: the President’s personal request for forgiveness

The victims of abuse are the absolute priority in this process. Therefore, listening, asking for forgiveness, offering help and the path of reparation are the starting point. Margaret Karram has been in contact personally, when possible while respecting their privacy, with the victims in France. Her wish is to reach them all, while respecting those who wish to remain anonymous.  A network for welcoming and listening to victims Local commissions for the welfare and safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults will be strengthened (where they already exist) or be set up wherever necessary and will include professionals in the fields of psychology, law, training, and education. These commissions are independent of the governance bodies of the Focolare Movement and will be the point of contact for allegations of abuse and have the task of initiating procedures. The local commissions will also serve as listening points and the first port of call for anyone wishing to share their experience of abuse, violence, distress, or traumatic experiences of any kind, also accessing – if requested – counselling to identify the next steps. In this respect, listening points are already active in some countries, such as France and Germany.

  • Drawing up a protocol for the compensation of victims of abuse committed within the Focolare Movement

A Focolare Movement procedure for compensating victims is being drawn up.

  • Establishment of a disciplinary commission

A central disciplinary commission will be established, made up for the most part of external professionals in the fields of law and psychology, to assess the responsibility of the leadership of the Focolare Movement in dealing with sexual abuse, spiritual abuse, and the abuse of authority. It will work on the basis of a disciplinary code, which will be drawn up in agreement with the Commission itself, and will establish ethical principles and sanctions.

  • Publication of an annual report in the whole world

A report on the work carried out by the Central Commission for the Welfare and Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults (CO.BE.TU) on cases of abuse and on measures taken regarding prevention, and on the safeguarding of children, will be published annually.

  • Safeguarding is the responsibility of all the Movement’s members

To strengthen this awareness, the Movement will enable every member, including children and those who wish to become members, to attend a foundation course on the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults, organised by the local commissions for the welfare and safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.

  • Training courses for those in leadership roles

Courses are being prepared to train those in leadership roles – at whatever level they work – to implement forms of co-responsibility, greater transparency in decision-making processes, the alternating of roles, and training in accompaniment in the light of the distinction between the sphere of governance and the sphere of conscience.

  • Opportunities for sharing and courses for the Focolare Movement’s wider communities

The wider Focolare communities in various localities should enable the necessary processes of discernment, open dialogue, and an understanding of correct relational dynamics. Following the publication of the Independent Inquiry by GCPS Consulting, many of the Movement’s groups and communities have already begun to have times of sharing and dialogue on issues regarding abuses. The Movement encourages such initiatives with the support of experts and professionals, where necessary or requested, taking into account different cultural sensitivities.

Stefania Tanesini